San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas. March 17, 2010
The Human Rights Committee of Chiapas Base Digna Ochoa made publicly tracking information and details on the case of two children who were victims of rape, publicly insisting that the Secretariat Development and Empowerment of Women and the Attorney General of the State to take action on the matter of negligence committed by prosecutors.
Rights Committee Chiapas Human Base Digna Ochoa reported to have accessed the court file number 14/2011 criminal case, which is recorded as defendants Narciso Gomez Pavon for the crime of sexual abuse, and Abraham de Jesús Gómez Pavón for the crime of rape, crimes against children 2. The record is rooted in the Mixed Court of First Instance in the town of Yajalon, Chiapas. We need
previously on February 7 preliminary investigation was opened at the table 26/IN4-M3/2011 Step 3 of Yajalon initially intervened prosecutor Genaro Morales López, taking the statement at 2 under, so that based on his testimony opened the complaint for the crime of rape against the aggressors Narciso Gómez Pavón, and Abraham de Jesús Gómez Pavón.
As we reported in previous bulletins, with the support of rural agency officials in New Hope, was achieved at first apprehension of Narcissus Gómez Pavón, who is now free on bail by the negligence the MP Araceli López López of the Special Prosecutor violence Care of Women and the Family in Yajalon. Equally well carried out the arrest of Abraham de Jesus Gomez Pavón.
inform you that after making the first steps and start 26/IN4-M3/2011 preliminary investigation, prosecutor Genaro Morales López 86/2010 by the office of the February 8 forwards this inquiry to the prosecutor Araceli López López of the Attorney specializing in addressing violence of women and family in Yajalon.
As we have noted, Araceli López López prosecutor was negligent in the integration of the rape of 2 children, and that once we have accessed the record confirmed that there is evidence enough for the attacker Narciso Gómez Pavón was recorded for at least matched the crime of rape perpetrated against one of the lowest. Since it is the declaration of the 2 children, and the lower was the victim of this subject covers: "I put his hand between my legs for wearing skirts ..." "I put his hand up my pants and broke it and I forcibly removed it, and that's where I was playing my yat (vagina) ", plus the smaller states that managed to escape and run for help after he bites his tongue and gives him a kick in the testicles to the aggressor .
sits in the surveys that the offender has a tongue injury. The testimony of a smaller confirming that the aggressor was in the scene, it also amen of jurisprudence that exist in respect to constitute the crime of rape treated, which is being evaluated for submission to the written submissions of the attorneys representing children.
The prosecutor acted negligently Araceli López López at the expense of one of the lowest, and that despite the investigation have sufficient elements to farm the likely crimes of statutory rape, did not. Also violated their rights as victims and as minor as He was treated for an elderly person, which is more serious to be a prosecutor specializing in violence against women. This addition to the rumor that decided not to record the crimes of statutory rape after he met with counsel for the aggressors. The public prosecutor and the trial judge failed to take into account the danger of Narcissus Gómez Pavón who declared that have criminal records and using drugs, the judge granted him bail of 8,000 pesos.
note that once you open the criminal case, the mother of the minors with the lawyer of solidarity that is being done jointly by the defense with our legal representative of this committee have been formed as an intervener to present additional evidence.
currently has managed to get counseling and are in the process to build support for his move to the city of San Cristobal de Las Casas, so in a few days begin the process of therapy the 2 children and his mother.
share that on March 8, 2011, came to the community of Nueva Esperanza, Tila, lic. Gladys Moscoso Nurilu Leidy and Leidy Esmeralda Lara, psychologist and advocate of the Programme of Support for Women Instances Entities States (PAIMEF) Yajalón Township, who stated that they had instructions from the Ministry for Development and Empowerment of Women (SEDEM) to provide psychological support for children in Yajalon, agreeing to present a likely start date therapy.
However, we stated that once they spoke with the mother of the children, she said it is his will that is in the city of San Cristobal de Las Casas, and a psychologist who is not the government. Yesterday, these officers demonstrated their insensitivity to notify the residents of New Hope would go for girls and mothers to collect in a police car, not taking into account how seriously affected they are minors. As they were informed that the proposal would be suspended starting therapy in Yajalon and once you've talked to the family are notified of the decision.
For all the above narrative, this Human Rights Committee calls seriously the government of Chiapas, for through the Ministry of Development and Empowerment of Women (SEDEM) and the Attorney General State (PGJE), take action on the matter and start as soon as possible a serious investigation to establish responsibility administrative and criminal prosecution incurred by Araceli López López, also made public its findings and actions.
Finally, the Human Rights Committee expressed its strong condemnation of the atrocious execution of Mary Maciel Garcia, Juan Ernesto and Manuel Maciel Maciel Damaso Garcia, on the night of March 15 in their own homes located in Chihuahua, who were relatives and witnesses the murder of Marisela Escobedo.
For the defense of human rights of our people!
Lekil Be yu'un klumaltik (Tzeltal)
Wen bi Cha'an laklumal (Chol)
A good way for our people
Human Rights Committee of Chiapas Base Digna Ochoa
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