Black and White: pure Noir in the ninth art
Monday, March 14, 2011
How To Cut Anarkali Suit

Garzón Camilo Andrés Martínez Special
The Social Communication Student
* The This writing is done based on the volumes published by the publishing collections DeAgostini Metro
During the past decade, Brian Michael Bendis was the key creative at Marvel comics. As many point to Joe Quesada, former editor in chief, as the architect of 10 years of history, others look at the man who constructed the continuity: Bendis. There is no denying that its omnipresence in titles The Avengers and their work at events (highly promoted miniseries that usually contain most of the characters from the publisher), it became the creative leader and new god for the earth 616 (universe that takes place the main timeline .) The writer achieved great fame by taking charge, along with Mark Millar, to launch the Ultimate line of Marvel comics, for his work in charge of Ultimate Spider-Man. New titles were adding to their literature, away from some of his original work: the stories of crime. In a field where its best, and nothing more appropriate than return to discover their forgotten works, those superheroes took care to hide. Http://
Greg Rucka, renowned writer of crime stories, in comics, where he received Whiteout by Eisner Award (the Oscar of the ninth art) in the 98, as in literature, with its series of novels called bodyguard Atticus Kodiak, remembers a curious anecdote about Bendis: In a San Diego Comic Con, Rucka, and Ed Brubaker, Brian Azzarello and Bendis (exponents of the genre of the cartoon detective ) posed as criminals for a photo shoot. All patients fulfilled its role under Michael, the bald writer kept smiling. Thus describes the work of Bendis Rucka, a smile that manipulates, hiding frames, bathing their stories in black and white, a labyrinth worthy of royal gardens, which despite its structure and beauty, still hold the primary goal: Catch. Bendis does
notoriety with his series of stories about crime known today as Jinx World. Originally published by Caliber Press, his rights were purchased by Image Comics. The stories are Jinx World are four: Torso, Fire, AKA Goldfish and Jinx. Each is a step to form the final and unmistakable style of Bendis. The first thing to be noted, as first impression is the graphic style of the comics that make Jinx World, completely black and white, without the luxury of a gray scale, the writer creates an environment of opposites. The darkness and shadow will always be prevailing, swallowing the panels and balloons, violence and dialogue, expressions and unexpression. One element that stands out better in other comic noir like Sin City by Frank Miller, in which the negative use of the imposes itself as a new style and not just an addition to some pre-established. Bendis must accept that innovation by merging all elements as a single lane visual narrative, a whole roll of exposed film piece by piece, in a unique dynamic, intense, fast and slow time. Matt Wagner already point out, saying no Bendis stories are influenced by the cinematic style, are the ones who use that narrative, make his servant and take him down paths that only the ink can translate.
The order of the vignettes vary in ways rarely seen, which sometimes get out of hand, very noticeable in Torso, just an exaggeration, at times, affect the narrative. An innovation that agrees: Some moments made with ruler in hand, in others, an unnecessary distortion and inconsistent. This type of layout was, in his time, as the future of comics, which Nightly News by Jonathan Hickman is a worthy representative, a design that, despite being "a prediction of the graphic style Bullets from today has been forgotten and no signs of resurgence.
And forget the most remarkable rescue visually: The onomatopoeia, that area is so characteristic of the comics, but also, now, invisible. Become part of art, guide, essential part, dramatic force. No Jinx World without large letters and expressions of noise filling the pages. If there is a signature element of this stage will be the use of funds and real environments, such as real models for the characters. Clearly, the writer, in charge of drawing in turn, finds an easy way to fulfill both work, but playing against them: the characters are hardly distinguishable. Still, great accuracy to meet the terms, reinforcing the raw and real in the narrative, an area in which the funds will not hesitate to join. Http://
What are immutable in their dialogues. Extensive and fluid, without literary arrangements to thrill readers, by contrast, are close to the world of the streets, varied daily, with a specific purpose for each expression and reference. One aspect that remains and maintaining quality in their current jobs. The real dynamics between characters will be in the words they speak (dumb on paper), it highlights more than their actions against the environment or situation. Will always be remembered more important an issue, story or conversation, that the outcome of the story. And it is not to disparage the late, distinguished by merging all the style of Jinx World: black environment, the order of the vignettes, onomatopoeia, tone and dialogue just to close each narrative.
Every comic deserves to be taken separately, as there are parts that depend on each other, but together they form a style that Bendis built more than a decade ago: Torso
was published between the late 98's and early 1999, with a total of six numbers. To start, we must clarify that, Torso, Mark Andreyko story helps you write, is different from their peers. Is forensic history lesson, based on real events and product of a lengthy investigation in Cleveland, a city that is used by Bendis several times as the home of their stories. The story follows the long and fruitless investigation that sought to catch the "Torso murderer" who terrorized the population of the time. It is in this comic, we find the best use of the characteristic order of vignettes (you must master to review the interrogation scene: a face, a balloon, a sign) and of course, the extensive discussions that take over page after page, a single plane immovable patiently waiting for letters that do not stop flowing. Http://
The beginning and end of each chapter is a clear and distortion that gets worse (respectively), transforming the reader's perception, screaming that this is their reality Now, each page is more world than where you are. The black is dominant over white, whole pages flooded many times, blind and deaf, and at some point, see only a fact or buried dialogue, a narrative that makes holding your breath before the next plot twist. But just as exalted aspects, it also softens others: the gore. The bodies lose their visual strength.
The suspense and mystery are eaten development the main character, Elliot Ness, who loses depth, and can easily be replaced by more stereotypes of "good guy" in the genre. Still, Torso is complex and overcomes the problems of development of its protagonist, emphasizing their sources is key to the realistic tone: the public library, the newspaper The Cleveland Plain Dealer and the archive gives the University of Cleveland (who provide diagrams tattooed on the first body found, police diagrams, pictures and landscapes of the time). Therefore, linking research and Bendis tone which results in the same Todd McFarlane, Spawn creator and president of Image Comics, considered "literally one of the best comics I've read in decades. " Http://
Fire, a story of spies. And betrayal. The events are located within the mandate of Ronald Reagan, whose phrase "Do not trust the CIA", originally cited in Bob Woos Veil, enter the first number and places the opponent. The vignettes introduce us to the world of its "disposable." The spy story is influenced by the literature: "Crossfire" by Jim Morrs, "The Spy Who Came in from the cold", "The Russia House," "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy", "The nightmanager" of John le Carré and "Camelot" by TH White. Http://
is a short story compared to other publications of the World Jinx, but introduces new elements such as extended monologues, which tend to get lost between them text box, so abundant, that leave no room for the black pages of Torso views. Everyone's a shame, because the twists and turns of a spy story worth (quite rightly) the same treatment, with more organizational resources daring which Bendis used in this work. Fire
Bendis used to venture into an area characteristic of the genre pulp: the Femme Fatale. Her name is DD, and their performance in bed is the only event that can silence the dialogue balloons and boxes. His actions in the world of rule by the lust sheets performed a miracle brings back the pages full of black, dark mess. AKA Goldfish
Bendis lands in the field of organized crime and street, making room for the issue of the past as an object argument. "The old days always come back to bite your ass." The comic plot revolves around an old couple separated by the betrayal, the style pulp: David Gold (AKA Goldfish) vs. Lauren Bacall, the latter plays the role of Femme Fatale, without add his role as leader of the mafia, a really hateful, and not because it is poorly developed, on the contrary, Bendis brings to you an opponent you despise with every action and word, but you end up not forget it. The protagonist and the characters are typical stereotypes of the black novel, but its details and dialogue, can easily convert the gender parents. AKA Goldfish
plays an important role in establishing an essential element for any universe of crime novels: One bar of doom that all converge in this case, Cinderella Club. Bendis took him to introduce much needed air! The Undertow Brubaker on Criminal, Kadie's the Miller's Sin City! without it I would throw the World Jinx forgotten, as there would be a decent noir series without this gruesome place. Http://
most notable is the work of the World Jinx, structure, dialogue, story and characters are the most complete development and close to noir, a sample for all the story of what is to narrate a story of crime. A climax that sums up a weapon in the hands of a time bomb in a shot, a bullet-six thousand pages full of feelings and blasphemy at such fast pace.
a character as complex as Goldfish could not stay in one miniseries therefore Bendis published work that would name his entire series: Jinx. As a prequel, all the elements was established, adding humor and heroine in the form of bounty hunters, the use of flashback is the most attractive of the story, the pain of the past and their role in creating a tough woman in street, but weak in the room. A story, which function as a tribute to "the good, the bad and the ugly" of Sergio Leone, is strong in character, leaving the other aspects, though remarkable, high quality, pass a background longing to see once more to Jinx. Http://
Where survives today this facet of Bendis? In Powers, the detective series in a world of super heroes. In Alias, the first title to open the MAX line, we find the successor to Jinx. During his time in Daredevil: Crime, streets and vigilant. In its present unfinished Scarlet, again doing a great job with the female characters. In the long monologues of Spider-Man. The writer can be now one of the most sounding names in the Mainstream of the comic industry, but is far from being immersed in it, it continues to take opportunities to express their full potential. Login to Jinx World is, ultimately, open up a forgotten and little-known chapter of the graphic novel, novel black and, above all, good stories.
Garzón Camilo Andrés Martínez Special
The Social Communication Student
* The This writing is done based on the volumes published by the publishing collections DeAgostini Metro
During the past decade, Brian Michael Bendis was the key creative at Marvel comics. As many point to Joe Quesada, former editor in chief, as the architect of 10 years of history, others look at the man who constructed the continuity: Bendis. There is no denying that its omnipresence in titles The Avengers and their work at events (highly promoted miniseries that usually contain most of the characters from the publisher), it became the creative leader and new god for the earth 616 (universe that takes place the main timeline .) The writer achieved great fame by taking charge, along with Mark Millar, to launch the Ultimate line of Marvel comics, for his work in charge of Ultimate Spider-Man. New titles were adding to their literature, away from some of his original work: the stories of crime. In a field where its best, and nothing more appropriate than return to discover their forgotten works, those superheroes took care to hide. Http://
Greg Rucka, renowned writer of crime stories, in comics, where he received Whiteout by Eisner Award (the Oscar of the ninth art) in the 98, as in literature, with its series of novels called bodyguard Atticus Kodiak, remembers a curious anecdote about Bendis: In a San Diego Comic Con, Rucka, and Ed Brubaker, Brian Azzarello and Bendis (exponents of the genre of the cartoon detective ) posed as criminals for a photo shoot. All patients fulfilled its role under Michael, the bald writer kept smiling. Thus describes the work of Bendis Rucka, a smile that manipulates, hiding frames, bathing their stories in black and white, a labyrinth worthy of royal gardens, which despite its structure and beauty, still hold the primary goal: Catch. Bendis does
notoriety with his series of stories about crime known today as Jinx World. Originally published by Caliber Press, his rights were purchased by Image Comics. The stories are Jinx World are four: Torso, Fire, AKA Goldfish and Jinx. Each is a step to form the final and unmistakable style of Bendis. The first thing to be noted, as first impression is the graphic style of the comics that make Jinx World, completely black and white, without the luxury of a gray scale, the writer creates an environment of opposites. The darkness and shadow will always be prevailing, swallowing the panels and balloons, violence and dialogue, expressions and unexpression. One element that stands out better in other comic noir like Sin City by Frank Miller, in which the negative use of the imposes itself as a new style and not just an addition to some pre-established. Bendis must accept that innovation by merging all elements as a single lane visual narrative, a whole roll of exposed film piece by piece, in a unique dynamic, intense, fast and slow time. Matt Wagner already point out, saying no Bendis stories are influenced by the cinematic style, are the ones who use that narrative, make his servant and take him down paths that only the ink can translate.
The order of the vignettes vary in ways rarely seen, which sometimes get out of hand, very noticeable in Torso, just an exaggeration, at times, affect the narrative. An innovation that agrees: Some moments made with ruler in hand, in others, an unnecessary distortion and inconsistent. This type of layout was, in his time, as the future of comics, which Nightly News by Jonathan Hickman is a worthy representative, a design that, despite being "a prediction of the graphic style Bullets from today has been forgotten and no signs of resurgence.
And forget the most remarkable rescue visually: The onomatopoeia, that area is so characteristic of the comics, but also, now, invisible. Become part of art, guide, essential part, dramatic force. No Jinx World without large letters and expressions of noise filling the pages. If there is a signature element of this stage will be the use of funds and real environments, such as real models for the characters. Clearly, the writer, in charge of drawing in turn, finds an easy way to fulfill both work, but playing against them: the characters are hardly distinguishable. Still, great accuracy to meet the terms, reinforcing the raw and real in the narrative, an area in which the funds will not hesitate to join. Http://
What are immutable in their dialogues. Extensive and fluid, without literary arrangements to thrill readers, by contrast, are close to the world of the streets, varied daily, with a specific purpose for each expression and reference. One aspect that remains and maintaining quality in their current jobs. The real dynamics between characters will be in the words they speak (dumb on paper), it highlights more than their actions against the environment or situation. Will always be remembered more important an issue, story or conversation, that the outcome of the story. And it is not to disparage the late, distinguished by merging all the style of Jinx World: black environment, the order of the vignettes, onomatopoeia, tone and dialogue just to close each narrative.
Every comic deserves to be taken separately, as there are parts that depend on each other, but together they form a style that Bendis built more than a decade ago: Torso
was published between the late 98's and early 1999, with a total of six numbers. To start, we must clarify that, Torso, Mark Andreyko story helps you write, is different from their peers. Is forensic history lesson, based on real events and product of a lengthy investigation in Cleveland, a city that is used by Bendis several times as the home of their stories. The story follows the long and fruitless investigation that sought to catch the "Torso murderer" who terrorized the population of the time. It is in this comic, we find the best use of the characteristic order of vignettes (you must master to review the interrogation scene: a face, a balloon, a sign) and of course, the extensive discussions that take over page after page, a single plane immovable patiently waiting for letters that do not stop flowing. Http://
The beginning and end of each chapter is a clear and distortion that gets worse (respectively), transforming the reader's perception, screaming that this is their reality Now, each page is more world than where you are. The black is dominant over white, whole pages flooded many times, blind and deaf, and at some point, see only a fact or buried dialogue, a narrative that makes holding your breath before the next plot twist. But just as exalted aspects, it also softens others: the gore. The bodies lose their visual strength.
The suspense and mystery are eaten development the main character, Elliot Ness, who loses depth, and can easily be replaced by more stereotypes of "good guy" in the genre. Still, Torso is complex and overcomes the problems of development of its protagonist, emphasizing their sources is key to the realistic tone: the public library, the newspaper The Cleveland Plain Dealer and the archive gives the University of Cleveland (who provide diagrams tattooed on the first body found, police diagrams, pictures and landscapes of the time). Therefore, linking research and Bendis tone which results in the same Todd McFarlane, Spawn creator and president of Image Comics, considered "literally one of the best comics I've read in decades. " Http://
Fire, a story of spies. And betrayal. The events are located within the mandate of Ronald Reagan, whose phrase "Do not trust the CIA", originally cited in Bob Woos Veil, enter the first number and places the opponent. The vignettes introduce us to the world of its "disposable." The spy story is influenced by the literature: "Crossfire" by Jim Morrs, "The Spy Who Came in from the cold", "The Russia House," "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy", "The nightmanager" of John le Carré and "Camelot" by TH White. Http://
is a short story compared to other publications of the World Jinx, but introduces new elements such as extended monologues, which tend to get lost between them text box, so abundant, that leave no room for the black pages of Torso views. Everyone's a shame, because the twists and turns of a spy story worth (quite rightly) the same treatment, with more organizational resources daring which Bendis used in this work. Fire
Bendis used to venture into an area characteristic of the genre pulp: the Femme Fatale. Her name is DD, and their performance in bed is the only event that can silence the dialogue balloons and boxes. His actions in the world of rule by the lust sheets performed a miracle brings back the pages full of black, dark mess. AKA Goldfish
Bendis lands in the field of organized crime and street, making room for the issue of the past as an object argument. "The old days always come back to bite your ass." The comic plot revolves around an old couple separated by the betrayal, the style pulp: David Gold (AKA Goldfish) vs. Lauren Bacall, the latter plays the role of Femme Fatale, without add his role as leader of the mafia, a really hateful, and not because it is poorly developed, on the contrary, Bendis brings to you an opponent you despise with every action and word, but you end up not forget it. The protagonist and the characters are typical stereotypes of the black novel, but its details and dialogue, can easily convert the gender parents. AKA Goldfish
plays an important role in establishing an essential element for any universe of crime novels: One bar of doom that all converge in this case, Cinderella Club. Bendis took him to introduce much needed air! The Undertow Brubaker on Criminal, Kadie's the Miller's Sin City! without it I would throw the World Jinx forgotten, as there would be a decent noir series without this gruesome place. Http://
most notable is the work of the World Jinx, structure, dialogue, story and characters are the most complete development and close to noir, a sample for all the story of what is to narrate a story of crime. A climax that sums up a weapon in the hands of a time bomb in a shot, a bullet-six thousand pages full of feelings and blasphemy at such fast pace.
a character as complex as Goldfish could not stay in one miniseries therefore Bendis published work that would name his entire series: Jinx. As a prequel, all the elements was established, adding humor and heroine in the form of bounty hunters, the use of flashback is the most attractive of the story, the pain of the past and their role in creating a tough woman in street, but weak in the room. A story, which function as a tribute to "the good, the bad and the ugly" of Sergio Leone, is strong in character, leaving the other aspects, though remarkable, high quality, pass a background longing to see once more to Jinx. Http://
Where survives today this facet of Bendis? In Powers, the detective series in a world of super heroes. In Alias, the first title to open the MAX line, we find the successor to Jinx. During his time in Daredevil: Crime, streets and vigilant. In its present unfinished Scarlet, again doing a great job with the female characters. In the long monologues of Spider-Man. The writer can be now one of the most sounding names in the Mainstream of the comic industry, but is far from being immersed in it, it continues to take opportunities to express their full potential. Login to Jinx World is, ultimately, open up a forgotten and little-known chapter of the graphic novel, novel black and, above all, good stories.
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