177 women from 85 organizations from 18 states of the Republic, met in the city of Xalapa 4 and February 5, 2011. We held our second national meeting in order to perform the annual review of our activities, analyze the current situation of the right to decide on state and national levels and to define new strategies and action plan for this year.
In the period 2008-2010 were approved 17 local constitutional amendments that limit or prevent the exercise of a our fundamental rights: the right to decide about our bodies and our lives by criminalizing women for an abortion, even when it is the product of rape.
The path followed by these reforms have come to the imprisonment of women, not only those who freely exercise their right to decide, but also women suffering spontaneous abortions (involuntary) as we found in various states of the country.
The State, from its three branches, still no clarity about its role as a secular state and law. Continues to impede the exercise of the rights of women sentenced to latent death, where your breathing to feel their helplessness and powerlessness against an excessive exercise of power.
Women make up the National Covenant for Life, Liberty and the Rights of Women, we require the full and complete fulfillment of what a secular state, respect for human rights under the Mexican Constitution and the ratified the International Convention of Human Rights in Vienna, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women.
In our country, constitutional reforms and how they apply the laws and public policies are a clear sign of institutional violence that we reject with all our forces and against which continue to act until a truly democratic state of equal justice. As we reaffirm our major commitments in our first meeting, and they are:
- Defending the right to decide and for the freedom of women criminalized for exercising their right to an abortion.
- Defending the secular state and against the interference of any church trying to impose its values \u200b\u200bon all citizens.
- The withdrawal of public servants who voted or vote for the constitutional reforms, the staff of the health services office overreaching, judge and accuse women public servants of the justice system, which apply personal criteria rather than legal criteria.
- For the right to health and the legalization of abortion throughout the country.
For women who make up the National Covenant for Life, Liberty and the rights of women, these commitments are inalienable, fundamental to a decent life, which for us means freedom, autonomy, decision-making power over our lives as a way to develop fully as individuals.
Since these commitments we call on all women, institutions, political and social organizations, people as individuals, but especially to and representatives of the people who represent us or that we want to represent, to build a country based fact that rights can be exercised, where women are recognized as full citizens and people with all the rights and not as political spoils.
offensive recognize that this right is part of a crackdown on more sectors of society and which has as its goal subjecting the entire population and is manifested most clearly in the brutal blow to the Mexican Electricians Union (SME), trade union which has been a symbol of struggle and resistance of the workers in the country.
At this meeting, all participants make public our full support and solidarity with the struggle of the Mexican Electricians Union and in particular of women working in the SME, who are active members of the Covenant and reiterate the requirement that respect their right to employment and decent wages.
strongly reject the wave of femicide and violence against women, a situation that is exacerbated with the increasing militarization of the country, from the so-called war on drugs used to justify the aggression against the population, increasing impunity for these crimes and in the case of women murdered by demanding justice and respect for human rights .
Stop the criminalization of women to abort!
immediate release of women imprisoned for abortion!
respect the secular state!
Decriminalization of abortion throughout the country!
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