By Josefina Chavez
Photo Agrup Productions and Miracles. AC Feminist Projects
The members of Covenant Life Liberty and the Rights of Women agreed to hold various national actions in its work plan for this year. The first was for the immediate release of young Lesly Karina who is unjustly sentenced to 23 years in prison in Baja California. In Mexico City mobilization took place last Friday March 18, outside the offices of representing the State of Baja California in Mexico. Rep. Enoé Uranga Muñoz proposed in the House of Representatives in mid-February, a point of agreement where, inter alia, calls upon the Governor José Guadalupe Osuna Millán to order the immediate release of Lesly Karina Díaz Zamora and all women who have been imprisoned for his body to decide on accidents that interrupt her pregnancy.
Outside the representation of the state of Baja California, Prof., Meritxell Calderón Vargas, a member of the Iberoamerican Network for Human Rights and the Covenant for Life, Liberty and rights Women read the following statement:
The ruling is on appeal before the High Court of the State of Baja California where they hope will be an acquittal, expose violations of human rights by the Head of Fourth Criminal Court of Mexicali and the staff of General Hospital in the same city in Baja California colleagues who have been following the case Lesly and data that have more women are discriminated against and abused by the State of Baja California.
Burgoin Raquel Lozano Judge sentenced to 23 years in prison the young Baja California "Lesly" for the crime of aggravated homicide by reason of kinship, despite being a specialist in law and have knowledge of international jurisprudence, the girl denied the right to life, the right to physical integrity mental and moral, the right to equality and nondiscrimination, the right to dignity and the protection of his family and the right to guarantee and respect for their rights, among other fundamental rights violated.
The State of Baja California has a special mention from the Case International Paulina as a State that violates the rights of women, because in 2002 a group of women's organizations driven and convened by the feminist organization Alaide Foppa had a March 8, 9 years ago, a petition with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, which in March 2006, through mutual agreement sought to repair the moral and material committed against the teenager.
The girl who is two months after serving three years in prison unjustly, the defense appealed the verdict Lesly unfair and violates his rights and his case is before the High Court of the State of Baja California. After presenting the grievance, the hearing was seen by the Court and we expect a rapid resolution of the appeal. Based
in the 4th article of the Constitution, Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination, the Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol, the Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women and the law Case of international and Alyne da Silva Pimentel brought to the Universal System of Human Rights and the Planned Parenthood vs. Case. State of Alaska, Baja California to the girl clearly has been the victim of institutional violence and discrimination by the state judiciary.
In Mexico, half of the state constitutions violate the right to equality and non-discrimination in granting a value above the right to life "product of conception" as it manages the Baja California state constitution, paradoxically, in the same article that establishes individual rights. The young man unjustly convicted is not the first woman who is penalized for having an accident and 14 women awaiting sentencing for the same offense in the state and do not know if any of them is in the same situation Lesly.
have already been several women who have suffered imprisonment and are prey to live an abortion in Mexico, Latin America and U.S. searches, the country where excellence is respected by sexual and reproductive rights, at least white women, is seeking to penalize women from ideological concepts taken in a copy-paste of public policy that the Vatican seeks to implement in the American states and African countries against poor women and other countries where anti-rightist parties and groups have taken off because of the crisis they led. Therefore we ensure that more women prisoners to live an abortion, which is why we hope that the State Supreme Court of BC ruling according to law and taking into account international instruments on human rights protection of women freeing Young, repairing the moral and material damage caused to her and her family and issuing a public apology for wrongfully depriving of freedom.
Likewise, it is expected that with the resolution of TSJBC, the State of Baja California to take all appropriate measures, including legislative measures to amend or repeal legal and judicial practices that permit, tolerate or promote violence and discrimination against women, such as Article 7 of the local constitution.
THE Covenant has demanded from the February 4, 2010, the first national action conducted outside the building of Congress, it is urgent to conduct a national census promoted and accepted by legislature, to know how many are women in the country who are unjustly convicted, or in process to abort.
To continue with actions for the release of Lesly is promoting a cyberaction, to which you can add and contribute to collective action, enters www.tupuedessalvartuvida.org .
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