By Andres Romero Baltodano
Who would believe that when he meets someone and presented with their "first name" (a term that refers to the baptismal font ) and your surname, over time, when the relationship gets deeper and love arises between the two people generally wanted to find a name hypocoristic (Greek hypokoristikos = caressing) that according to the tongue cut out, sum or makes a turn metamorphic original name. Occurs when filming film, which being already a week together in one location, it is very difficult to hear that among the team members are appointed by those German names like Alberto (the suffix "berto" means brilliant and is related to the war) Aramaic origin or Mary (ancestors of the now challenged Libyans, Jordanians and Iraqis) as diminutives and superlatives become the momentary love that name.
So Anthroponyms (names) have been generated from a myriad of reasons and have to do with loops that arise over territory or nicknames or denominators of something or someone.
But if the names and surnames that come from various sources (toponymic patronymic, trades, nicknames influence on the Inquisition and other Castilianized according to several history books of names), are installed in the society as a way to identify citizens of each territory, this is a little to the officers of the "red tape" (Contemporary disease which is far more effective cure) the real names that people use in their intimate and friendly relations are others (in fact many times the ads make clear that the mortuary was not dead Claudio Hernando Jimenez but put it in its proper context: Mr. Claudio "Tremors" Jiménez has died and so many of his acquaintances identify the corpse).
seems that the names, which among others are not selected for each "patient" (or suffering in some cases, it has to load a lifetime with the "cross" of a name foreign to their interests or tastes), but his parents, who from millions of whims, tastes, tributes, snobbery, altisonancias, familiarity or wrongs, he "planted" one, two, three or four names were made only for offices, schools, notary certificates, death certificates or civil records and any body that tends to order and the accuracy of toponymy.
But in everyday life, naming someone by name dry, it becomes almost a "isnsulto" slight, to the extent that when mothers are too angry with her puppies, named with all names, nickname or medium without loving.
This is where the the "masks of the name" what police called "alias" (be aware of its origin from the Latin "Alia cognitu nomine" known by another name?) And street name is called (in Colombia the costs are real science wizards for this popular place names) and the virtual world "nickname", the art falls into the category of pseudonym (nickname differs from that is supposed to be secret) and this concept Superman is the alias of Clark Kent? Spider-Man or Peter Parker? .
What are the identities secret "secret" that can be called pseudonyms? The art and politics of the "other side" is replete in pseudonyms, that have thousands of roots investigate.
A type of pseudonym is called "Nomi de guerre" created by the French Foreign Legion (pioneers of the "beautiful" custom of creating mercenaries of all types, regular or irregular wars since the nineteenth century) and were subsequently adopted by alternate names used by militant organizations such as ETA, IRA, EZLN and others where their militants adopt these pseudonyms of war (remember our native "Chiqui" M-19?).
The pseudonyms are used not only by brilliant writers and Hollywood actors, but also for athletes who call themselves "kid" (remember the famous Cuban Kid Chocolate? Or our broken Kid Pambelé?) Or "fluff" or "witch" or " flea "or so.
The pseudonyms were not only out of affection or trying to hide the true identity, but in the case of women (gender dominated and excluded from the histories of art in general) have had to use it in order to be visible as in cases of George Sand and James Tiptree Jr. (Alice B. Sheldon). And there
resulting thousands of people in the art are known by name and his name was known but never notarized by a citizen of Oregon clueless that they bought the car.
The Moviola presents some of them:
Balthus (painter of the erotic with a pseudonym) was actually Balthazar Klossowski.
Maxim Gorky (playwright iron and terrigenous) was actually Alexei Maximovich Peshkov.
Barba Jacob (Colombian poet lights and broken balconies) was actually Miguel Angel Osorio.
Madonna (the gay music icon) is actually Louise Veronica Ciccone.
Jean Sibelius (a Finn shakes ears with his music) is actually Johan Julius Christian.
Virginia Woolf (British writer makes us feel "the waves") was actually Virginia Stephen.
Le Corbusier (architect of the poetics of space) was actually Charles Edouard Jeanneret.
And even in our country we are more accustomed to the nickname (Fat cute Monoleche, HH, Popeye, etc) is interesting to see how many are born and calling in a popular place names are known, secret, or simply to supplant sex (on the card are called Jaime, etc) but in the dark night are named for Xiomara).
The pseudonyms: the Dark Side of the Moon "from many, that would not fit in the fingers.
Who would believe that when he meets someone and presented with their "first name" (a term that refers to the baptismal font ) and your surname, over time, when the relationship gets deeper and love arises between the two people generally wanted to find a name hypocoristic (Greek hypokoristikos = caressing) that according to the tongue cut out, sum or makes a turn metamorphic original name. Occurs when filming film, which being already a week together in one location, it is very difficult to hear that among the team members are appointed by those German names like Alberto (the suffix "berto" means brilliant and is related to the war) Aramaic origin or Mary (ancestors of the now challenged Libyans, Jordanians and Iraqis) as diminutives and superlatives become the momentary love that name.
So Anthroponyms (names) have been generated from a myriad of reasons and have to do with loops that arise over territory or nicknames or denominators of something or someone.
But if the names and surnames that come from various sources (toponymic patronymic, trades, nicknames influence on the Inquisition and other Castilianized according to several history books of names), are installed in the society as a way to identify citizens of each territory, this is a little to the officers of the "red tape" (Contemporary disease which is far more effective cure) the real names that people use in their intimate and friendly relations are others (in fact many times the ads make clear that the mortuary was not dead Claudio Hernando Jimenez but put it in its proper context: Mr. Claudio "Tremors" Jiménez has died and so many of his acquaintances identify the corpse).
seems that the names, which among others are not selected for each "patient" (or suffering in some cases, it has to load a lifetime with the "cross" of a name foreign to their interests or tastes), but his parents, who from millions of whims, tastes, tributes, snobbery, altisonancias, familiarity or wrongs, he "planted" one, two, three or four names were made only for offices, schools, notary certificates, death certificates or civil records and any body that tends to order and the accuracy of toponymy.
But in everyday life, naming someone by name dry, it becomes almost a "isnsulto" slight, to the extent that when mothers are too angry with her puppies, named with all names, nickname or medium without loving.
This is where the the "masks of the name" what police called "alias" (be aware of its origin from the Latin "Alia cognitu nomine" known by another name?) And street name is called (in Colombia the costs are real science wizards for this popular place names) and the virtual world "nickname", the art falls into the category of pseudonym (nickname differs from that is supposed to be secret) and this concept Superman is the alias of Clark Kent? Spider-Man or Peter Parker? .
What are the identities secret "secret" that can be called pseudonyms? The art and politics of the "other side" is replete in pseudonyms, that have thousands of roots investigate.
A type of pseudonym is called "Nomi de guerre" created by the French Foreign Legion (pioneers of the "beautiful" custom of creating mercenaries of all types, regular or irregular wars since the nineteenth century) and were subsequently adopted by alternate names used by militant organizations such as ETA, IRA, EZLN and others where their militants adopt these pseudonyms of war (remember our native "Chiqui" M-19?).
The pseudonyms are used not only by brilliant writers and Hollywood actors, but also for athletes who call themselves "kid" (remember the famous Cuban Kid Chocolate? Or our broken Kid Pambelé?) Or "fluff" or "witch" or " flea "or so.
The pseudonyms were not only out of affection or trying to hide the true identity, but in the case of women (gender dominated and excluded from the histories of art in general) have had to use it in order to be visible as in cases of George Sand and James Tiptree Jr. (Alice B. Sheldon). And there
resulting thousands of people in the art are known by name and his name was known but never notarized by a citizen of Oregon clueless that they bought the car.
The Moviola presents some of them:
Balthus (painter of the erotic with a pseudonym) was actually Balthazar Klossowski.
Maxim Gorky (playwright iron and terrigenous) was actually Alexei Maximovich Peshkov.
Barba Jacob (Colombian poet lights and broken balconies) was actually Miguel Angel Osorio.
Madonna (the gay music icon) is actually Louise Veronica Ciccone.
Jean Sibelius (a Finn shakes ears with his music) is actually Johan Julius Christian.
Virginia Woolf (British writer makes us feel "the waves") was actually Virginia Stephen.
Le Corbusier (architect of the poetics of space) was actually Charles Edouard Jeanneret.
And even in our country we are more accustomed to the nickname (Fat cute Monoleche, HH, Popeye, etc) is interesting to see how many are born and calling in a popular place names are known, secret, or simply to supplant sex (on the card are called Jaime, etc) but in the dark night are named for Xiomara).
The pseudonyms: the Dark Side of the Moon "from many, that would not fit in the fingers.
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