Marta Lamas
brutal murders to occur every day throughout the country. In order to stop them is necessary to clarify what causes them. It has been said that the murders are a kind of hunting women, misogynist hatred product. Perhaps in many cases, yes, but an anthropologist Rita Laura Segato, this hypothesis becomes complex when it proposes to stop thinking about the femicide as a crime in which hatred of the victim is predominant and, instead, the raises as a form of dialogue between members of a phratry . Without denying the misogyny present in the environment where these crimes take place, Segato go to the victim and the disposal of a process in which these killings are the requirements, the price-to belong to a sinister brotherhood. Execute a woman serves to seal a pact of silence, able to ensure loyalty to a brotherhood mafia inviolable. So Segato calls these murders "crimes corporation or "second state", defined by the group or corporation that manages network resources, rights and duties of a parallel state, firmly established in the region. That is, the mafia of the powers, such as drug cartels.
A reading wrong about preventing these crimes reflect on social issues where they are located, and machismo biased interpretations. When in Ciudad Juárez murders of women began to take notoriety, authorities were reporting that the victims were prostitutes or loose women, who lived a disorderly life, who drank and caused her dress. Apparently they thought the fact that there were "decent women" lowered the government's responsibility to investigate, solve and stop these crimes. The killings were increasing from year to year, with the indifference and incompetence of the judicial, police and policies. Only when the international scandal was unstoppable began to worry more for his reputation and that of Ciudad Juarez by women themselves and future victims.
long been known that in other states grows committing these heinous crimes and not learn from the case of Ciudad Juárez, the authorities show a stunning lack of interest. Scandal is now in the State of Mexico, where supposedly there are more women murdered in Ciudad Juárez. Rather than expressing concern for clarifying what this sinister butcher, local authorities consider the request to the Interior Ministry and the Inmujeres by 90 researchers and 43 NGOs from 18 states of the republic in place the "gender alert" in the Edomex has electoral purposes, and are reluctant to agree to investigate the facts. In addition, following the sexist bias, the prosecutor Alfredo Castillo has said the victims were killed because they "use drugs, alcohol or inhalants used," plus "working in bars alternating with customers."
Years ago I compared the way the British authorities handled the case of five murders in Ipswich (Proceso 1573 December 24, 2006). Five sex workers were found dead, probably at the hands of a serial murderer. The entire UK will be shocked, but what public interest was whether the police would be effective enough to find the murderer before he killed more women. No one said that "they asked for it" or moralized about the risks of sex work, on the contrary, some editorialists criticized the fact that they had talked about the death of "five prostitutes" rather "five women." And while the murderer is caught, the authorities asked the sex workers who do not ride at night and opened an unprecedented public policy: give the money and drugs they would get on the street, not to leave their homes. The murderer was arrested a week later. What a way to take responsibility for their citizens! Far
we are in Mexico and of civilized attitudes. But it is essential that the authorities, all, all parties in all states, to take seriously the frightening increase in the number of femicide. To more effectively prevent and prosecute these murders must be changed interpretive approach and accept preventive mechanisms as "gender alert." Instead of taking offense or suspect ulterior motives electoral Edomex authorities should not only take advantage of "gender alert", but publicly correct the interpretation that made her male judiciary.
The battle for the safety of everyone, not just for women, will be long and complex. But against this specific type of murder requires not only better police investigation, but also use the tools of preventive intervention that will result in the medium and long term. That is what the "gender alert." It takes real political will to solve the crimes and stop its recurrence. The arrogant and macho stubbornness-the-vote-yes definitely Peña Nieto government only complicates matters further. What is it that you fear?
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