Teresa Incháustegui *
In memory of the bereaved family and Reyes Salazar and Roberto Layda solidarity, fighters copies in favor of justice back to what he says Roberto Zamarripa in the introduction of the book Confessions of a hitman Juan Carlos Reyna: war declared in 2007 by Calderon broke the rules of accommodation and cohabitation between drug trafficking and government, and quite disrupted by the democratization started in 1983 and the fragmentation of political power in Mexico that led to the alternation in 2000 - but up to now have spare the terms of coexistence between the crime and the institutions, which for decades set some narco governance (analyzed and characterized this regulation since 1998 by academics and experts from the likes of John Bailey and recognized by political and Miguel de la Madrid and Socrates Rizzo).
This open struggle between armed violence of the state and the armed violence of the cartels and criminal organizations is a tacit declaration that the rule of civilized and civilizing rights in Mexico has died out in favor of a state of terror that multiplies indiscriminate violence. Because what reigns in the territories under surveillance by state security forces (military and police) is the rise of lawlessness and crime. No justice law and the rule of law.
violence of the modern state is the rule of law, that violence is the only tolerable in a civilizing order. The monopoly of legitimate violence is the possibility of punishment to offenders through the justice system that weighs and judges its degree of culpability and sends the signal that no crime unpunished. The signal of a state that does not punish criminals and armed to pursue cross country is that it has renounced civility, rights, the rule of justice and has taken the same path that offenders. Taking the violence, which is the golden rule of criminals (the only currency accounts at the end of sorts) as a rule the state. By accessing this area, the State has already lost, it is the law of crime, the rule of violence, which has been imposed.
This is what happens in Ciudad Juárez, in the Valley of Juárez and other cities where it has deployed this strategy. That insecurity stems from both criminal organizations like the police and military personnel who act outside or above the law. And does not distinguish state action from that of criminals using the same method, the same weapons and sometimes even the same uniforms and emblems! Have been mimicked and confused, and so people fear them and rejects them both.
The rule of illegality has been imposed. Of little use if punitive manodurismo offenders are not apprehended or tried. And instead of the rule of justice what we have is the proliferation of criminal markets, widespread extortion of businesses and professionals, kidnapping, femicide, uprisings, disappearances, murders innocents in the crossfire, collective murders reek of social cleansing, violations of homes, summary trials, suppression activists and human rights advocates, orphans and families in war torn countless.
What are the courses of action in this scenario? In the context in which positions are located the officers, the possible courses pass through the escalation or continuation of violence and the derogation of the law. Legalizing this strategy is the objective of the initiatives made national security from the government. But as we have seen, any escalation of military forces or the state, is likely to be answered with criminal terrorism and unleash the abuses of the guardians of the law against human rights of the population at levels well as terror, converting the martyred and northern cities in hell. Without discounting the fact that an escalation of this type are deemed to threaten national security and decide to invade a neighboring country. Is that you looking for?
Contrary to what has been machado from formal and informal areas, giving a turn to this route is not surrender but to take another direction. In principle is essential to strengthen and refine the institutions of justice, rather than over-investing in security. In addition to deploying a strategy of active anti-crime intelligence, clean police organizations and create a career police labor rights and codes of conduct with clear rules so that the elements are not forced to work in the duplication of rules imposed by their superiors that often force them to play their role as guardians of order, breaking the law. Third, launch a broad social policy to eradicate the social fabric crime, reduce and eliminate social exclusion, strengthen citizen participation, overcome the culture of illegality and, above all, healing the soul of families attacked by this senseless war.
Maybe this is a long way, but what we want to get faster to the breakdown of the rule of law in Mexico or a civil war?
* Deputy for the PRD. Text published in El Universal
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