Nathaly Gómez Prado
The Moviola
Is infancy stage innocent and ideal life? How many can not resist the laughter of a baby or his antics? What is hidden behind the angelic faces of children?.
If we thought in the duality of childhood, few would compare with anything cruel or mocking, only we would stop to think of innocence as something pure that acquires the first years of life, but few of us imagine what happens in each of these''heads''and the magnitude of his imagination, influenced today by the consumer and the world they are exposed.
No error would be wrong, that one of the artists who has managed to see children from all angles to the darkest, is Mark Ryden, American painter born in Medford, Oregon in 1963. The protagonists of his paintings and drawings are children, in spaces that resemble children's stories and surrounded by soft toys and animals, further highlighting the role of infants. Ryden along with a surrealist style pop or lowbrow art, it breaks that innocence with symbols evoke pain, eroticism, cruelty and devotions of all kinds.
The large eyes and the eyes of the characters, are the eyes of the author who understands the world of children and their emotions.
Mark graduated from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, in 1987 and earned the title of Illustrator. His strokes are right, plays with the proportions in the bodies and compared these spaces and objects, colors, pastel mixes of childhood and strong colors to highlight the realities in which children are involved and their emotions.
Each character lives their own history inundated with images and icons that experience away from your child's life and forces them to be observers of a reality that even the adults try to hide, that's what Ryden wants to express by the contrast between the gloomy and naive, dreams and fantasies that create a surreal world where anything is possible and feelings emerge to its fullest, it reminds us and gives us a clear influence of Lewis Carroll, acclaimed author of Alice in Wonderland and as in Ryden's paintings involve us in the chaotic mind and existential children.
The 80's are growing fame of this great author, is a decade that inspired by religion, modernity, technological advances, comics, etc.
1 "I think that to get ideas is to nurture the spirit. I am filled with all the things I like: pictures of insects, paintings by Bouguereau and David, books on Pheneous T. Barnum, Ray Harryhausen movies, old photographs of strangers, children's books about space and science, medical illustrations, music of Frank Sinatra and Debussy, magazines, television, Jung and Freud, Ren and Stimpy, Joseph Campbell and Nostradamus, Barbie and Ken, alchemy, Freemasonry and Buddhism. At night, my head is so full of ideas that I can not sleep. The mix and create my own doctrine of life and the universe. "Mark Ryden
Thanks to its peculiar style, great artists have been asked to play the covers of his albums, such as Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ringo Starr and Michael Jackson (for his album Dangerous). In film and literature has worked for artists such as Stephen King on the cover of his book''and''Tim Burton Desesperation with posters of his films.
Despite how nice it is to view his paintings, the message of his work, made with surrealist technique will always be a critique of modern society, which in this case directly affects those who learn and copy everything to more easily without having a choice.
Dreams must reflect the good things we want for our lives, these We created them from a reality that we undergo every day, but today we are on the verge of turning those dreams into nightmares of a collective memory that can only be satisfied by the things that give momentary happiness.
Nathaly Gómez Prado
The Moviola
Is infancy stage innocent and ideal life? How many can not resist the laughter of a baby or his antics? What is hidden behind the angelic faces of children?.
If we thought in the duality of childhood, few would compare with anything cruel or mocking, only we would stop to think of innocence as something pure that acquires the first years of life, but few of us imagine what happens in each of these''heads''and the magnitude of his imagination, influenced today by the consumer and the world they are exposed.
No error would be wrong, that one of the artists who has managed to see children from all angles to the darkest, is Mark Ryden, American painter born in Medford, Oregon in 1963. The protagonists of his paintings and drawings are children, in spaces that resemble children's stories and surrounded by soft toys and animals, further highlighting the role of infants. Ryden along with a surrealist style pop or lowbrow art, it breaks that innocence with symbols evoke pain, eroticism, cruelty and devotions of all kinds.
The large eyes and the eyes of the characters, are the eyes of the author who understands the world of children and their emotions.
Mark graduated from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, in 1987 and earned the title of Illustrator. His strokes are right, plays with the proportions in the bodies and compared these spaces and objects, colors, pastel mixes of childhood and strong colors to highlight the realities in which children are involved and their emotions.
Each character lives their own history inundated with images and icons that experience away from your child's life and forces them to be observers of a reality that even the adults try to hide, that's what Ryden wants to express by the contrast between the gloomy and naive, dreams and fantasies that create a surreal world where anything is possible and feelings emerge to its fullest, it reminds us and gives us a clear influence of Lewis Carroll, acclaimed author of Alice in Wonderland and as in Ryden's paintings involve us in the chaotic mind and existential children.
The 80's are growing fame of this great author, is a decade that inspired by religion, modernity, technological advances, comics, etc.
1 "I think that to get ideas is to nurture the spirit. I am filled with all the things I like: pictures of insects, paintings by Bouguereau and David, books on Pheneous T. Barnum, Ray Harryhausen movies, old photographs of strangers, children's books about space and science, medical illustrations, music of Frank Sinatra and Debussy, magazines, television, Jung and Freud, Ren and Stimpy, Joseph Campbell and Nostradamus, Barbie and Ken, alchemy, Freemasonry and Buddhism. At night, my head is so full of ideas that I can not sleep. The mix and create my own doctrine of life and the universe. "Mark Ryden
Thanks to its peculiar style, great artists have been asked to play the covers of his albums, such as Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ringo Starr and Michael Jackson (for his album Dangerous). In film and literature has worked for artists such as Stephen King on the cover of his book''and''Tim Burton Desesperation with posters of his films.
Despite how nice it is to view his paintings, the message of his work, made with surrealist technique will always be a critique of modern society, which in this case directly affects those who learn and copy everything to more easily without having a choice.
Dreams must reflect the good things we want for our lives, these We created them from a reality that we undergo every day, but today we are on the verge of turning those dreams into nightmares of a collective memory that can only be satisfied by the things that give momentary happiness.
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