We demand justice and responses to violence and murder to defenders of human rights
The undersigned organizations strongly repudiate the killing of human rights defender Susana Chávez, a tireless fighter against women in Ciudad Juárez. This atrocity occurs less than a month after the murder of activist Marisela Escobedo- occurred while demanding justice for the murder of his daughter in 2008 - also condemn murder with the same indignation.
The murder of Susanna and Marisela, occurring in a climate of insecurity and widespread violence, in addition to a series of attacks, bombings, threats and homicides against defenders of human rights recorded in various regions of the country. The constant in these cases has been the lack of investigation and lack of preventive measures to protect the security, integrity and life of the defenders.
In this context, a broad group of human rights organizations demand that the Mexican Government for the implementation of the Mechanism of Protection of Defenders of Human Rights, in compliance with various international recommendations.
In this regard, we have presented the government a proposal deployment to protect defenders, so that there are forms of immediate action against attacks on activists and to investigate the facts and violations will not go unpunished.
This need for implementation by the State, was also evident last October, before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), where organizations raised the urgency of implementing this proposal mechanism.
This requirement has become more than a year has been being delayed by the state. Urge to be realized.
Given these new facts and the lack of response from the Mexican government to protect and ensure the security, integrity and life of defenders of human rights demand a strong and swift response.
No blood. No more deaths. No more impunity.
Lawyers for Justice and Human Rights; Urgent Action for Human Rights Defenders , Protection Desk Mexico, World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC-Mexico), National Association Democratic Lawyers (ANAD) Rights Center Humanos "Fray Francisco de Vitoria, OP" Human Rights Centre "Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez (Centro PRODH), Centre for Human Rights Tlachinollan, Mexican Environmental Law Center (CEMDA), Centro Nacional de Comunicación Social (CENCOS) Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights (CMDPDH) Mexico Cerezo Committee, Information Group on Reproductive Choice (TURN) National Network of Civil Human Rights Organizations "All Rights for All "(made up of 70 organizations in 23 states.)
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