For Notebooks Feminist Josefina Chavez.
" Surviving in a lawless land," Lucha Castro
To keep the memory fresh. On January 4, 2010 Josefina Reyes was killed who had denounced military abuses. Cipriana Jurado, feminist and activist as well as Josefina Reyes, human rights defender, received death threats out of the country, as many others.
The November 6, 2010 in Ciudad Juarez, near Cotton Field where they were found more than nine years ago the bodies of eight murdered women, was named national day eradicating femicide and women disappear. November 27 in the same city were placed on the Cross of Nails 397 new names of women murdered in 2010.
heart beats a mile a minute, the eyes look bigger and it empty. On December 16, 2010 Marisela Escobedo was shot and killed outside the government palace in Chihuahua. He was demanding justice for the murder of his daughter. Tireless activist, beloved companion of many others in Ciudad Juarez since the murder of his daughter Ruby Marisol Frayre their journey of struggle, the states led to go and set up a camp with other women in Ciudad Juarez in Juarez in the Chamber Mexico City, seeking justice for her daughter. His cries of pain will indelibly recorded, you can still listen audio on the web, when he heard the sentence of three judges who let the murderer. He continued to fight, was not daunted and killed. Then, then yes, the judges were suspended. After the appeal court reviewing the case of Rubi Marisol, ruled 50 years Sergio Bocanegra Rafael Barraza Marisol who was partner and who is a fugitive.
All we could see how they killed you Marisela, I sensed yourself. On December 17, Protests, demonstrations, letters, displays, point of agreement in the House of Representatives, statements of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights UN knew of the case, Amnesty International, networks and human rights organizations. Feminist organizations in the country, their comrades in Ciudad Juarez. The rage, anger, pain. Women in Federal District repressed, pushed and shoving by police in their mobilization of protest to Secretary of Interior. What the hell!. Multiple voices were raised.
Marisela's children are in a prison in El Paso, Texas pending legal proceedings to obtain asylum in the United States. They have sent a message to not abandon the fight that killed his mother.
Susana , Maricela; The pink cross travels the world. The grouping for Identity and Justice against Oblivion and Silence (HIJOS) called to make visible the femicide, join forces to stop the violence and aggression to social activists and defenders of human rights. They called everyone in the world to make a picture by choosing a representative point of the city in which to take a pink cross in his hands as a sign that from there the world's eyes are on Mexico, to form a loop solidarity. Www.hijosmexico.org
Do not hang your do not panic, shake your impotence. On Monday January 10 launched the campaign! "No more blood!", An initiative of the cartoonist Eduardo del Río, Rius to protest the violence in the country, the result of policy-driven anti-drug by the government of Felipe Calderón and his failed strategies that are wreaking havoc in large areas and states. The campaign is calling on society to not be afraid, to not "stoop" to not remain powerless. The campaign is to reproduce the poster in all places. Simultaneously on the same day several messages were sent to the account Calderón, will be repeated on Monday 17. A month and a day of the murder of Marisela.
The heart beats harder, stupefaction seizes bodies, anger explodes into bits . On January 6, Susana Chavez was killed, he chopped off a hand. It was known publicly about his death on January 11, after her family identified her. Activist in the struggle against femicide and violence in Ciudad Juárez, artist, poet and creative. She is the one who coined the famous phrase Ni Una Mas slogan campaign and the struggle against femicide.
The protest and outrage grew, several parallel initiatives were launched, in addition to those permanently have been conducted in Ciudad Juarez, every day at 12 days later, a minute's silence and candles are carried out in the representation of state of Chihuahua in Mexico City. On Saturday 15 January, a march organized by social networks and web of the Angel of Independence to the Chamber of Juarez, was remarkable the presence of posters bearing the image of the campaign proposed by Rius. convenors and attendees and joined organizations continue to implement actions that will soon announce.
also on Sunday, 16 Red Mesa Women of Juarez and other organizations called for a ceremony at 18:00 hrs. Outside the premises of the PGR in Mexico City.
on Monday 17 in several countries of Latin America shares held outside the embassies of Mexico.
In other states, many women are being persecuted, threatened, harassed for defending human rights. Violence and murder against social activists and journalists has increased.
From 1993 to date more and more women killed as a form of extreme violence. Many officials do not want to talk about the femicide in their states, disturbed, their way, in the case of Peña Nieto in the State of Mexico. Remember his performance when the repression in Atenco in May 2006. Let us remember the women who were raped and abused, and no justice. Atenco is not forgotten. You can not cover with a finger, or a media campaign or defensive statements, the reality of the impressive rate of violence against women in the State of Mexico, well documented with research and statistics .. His attitude is not surprising, nor the politicians insensitive Juárez, to say the least, and that are on the defensive, which are perturbed by candles activists who put the family at the place where they killed Marisela. Such expressions are trying to put a haze on the subject. It would not hurt to put a candle for each of the persons who have died in this war in all places of the country, to dispel the haze. Y withdraw all institutions of the women who voted against Gender Alert.
What demands? Justice! Stop the Violence!
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