by Soledad Jarquin Edgar Women and Politics in
is time for outrage, capacity will not allow ours to be astonished, not only regret our violent reality. Outrage over the killings and violence committed against women, and worse, causes outrage the verbiage of the political class that is able to look the speck in your neighbor's eye and not the beam in their own.
The Mexican dream of a country other than that we have, we wanted a country of opportunity, freedom ... but the dream is gone. Being a woman in Mexico means living in constant danger from birth. Violence is exercised insumisas submissive or there is no way to escape it, no way to avoid over the life of one woman yelling, insults, hitting, sexually violent, hurt, snatch, prohibit, prevent, hinder, repress or murder.
The dream of freedom, the yearning for a life without violence to women is fading, against the impunity that allow governments emanating from the PRI, PAN, PRD or any other political symbol and that Felipe Calderon "El Valiente" ignores it is determined to irrigate the whole bloody country despite the clamor of the citizens of NO + BLOOD. All are equal: women "matter," meanwhile, may be disqualified tool in an election, but when they do not, when he is not through political power, gender violence is not on the agenda of " outraged politicians. "
Let the facts, sad facts that speak of how the dream fades in Chihuahua two activists have been killed in less than a month and Susana Chavez Marisela Escobedo. Chihuahua where the femicide has claimed hundreds of victims, their families did not see or hear, in Colima a series of rapes were committed by four masked men in recent days in Oaxaca three cabinet with a history of violence against their partners or former partners, in the State of Mexico more than 900 women murdered in five years, in Guerrero state violence is reflected in maternal death which remain the highest in the country in an official prohibition Tamaulipas the use of mini-skirts for women workers in Guanajuato, the government pursues women for abortion and 17 states recognize the right and protection of life from the moment of conception, criminalizing the termination of pregnancy, in Querétaro, the local press Headers are allowed as "Gold Diggers of police officers, when it comes to sex workers, in Quintana Roo is a procedural no activity against the murderers of women caused by inefficiency, corruption and impunity ...
These buttons are shown, they are entities governed by the three main political forces in Mexico in the three cases political actors see the speck in your neighbor's eye and not feel the beam that bring in their own.
Chihuahua Femicide is not limited to, any victim of this week was Susana Chavez, poet and activist, who is credited with the phrase "Not one more death" used in campaigns against hits for crimes committed against women in that state.
The territory of impunity-ruled alternately by PAN and PRI, where only last December was killed Marisela Escobedo, when he protested a few steps from the gates of the palace government. Mexico and the world watched the events. Marisela Escobedo could imagine recognizing his assailant, because otherwise she would not run pretending saved. Mexico and the world watched, via television, as the murderer was shot in the head. Mexico and the world witnessed the murder and saw her fall on the sidewalk, inert. Only then could stand still, thought her murderers.
I wonder if Mr. Felipe Calderón was the same as the rest of the country watched on television. Chihuahua, the land of impunity, where Judge Catalina Ochoa decided to release the murderer of Marysol Frayre Ruby, daughter of Maricela Escobedo. The second victim of the same family, which is the family of Felipe Calderón "The Brave", and Mr. Cesar Duarte "The naïve." Nor have nothing to do with Susana Chavez, his murderers mutilated hand to stop writing poems and so that never again could write "Not one more death." His murder is not cause for sorrow for Mr Calderon to Duarte or for anyone who form governments in the state border.
In Colima, there is consternation among the women. At least 11 were raped in 20 days by four masked men in what is it? The response of the authority led by Gov. Mario Anguiano, the PRI, is slow and women's organizations have to demand, sue, that victims are treated according to the Mexican Official Standard 046 and which, moreover, this violence does not go unpunished . The key is in the laws. Sexual violence is an act in which some men assume the total submission of women, reducing them to objects.
Chihuahua Colima As there is no electoral spoils to chase, suspect that politicians keep silent about sexual violence committed against these 11 women and compared to devious and cowardly crimes against Ruby, Marisela and Susan, three of several hundred victims of femicide and despite the decision of the Court of Human Rights the case of cotton field in Ciudad Juarez, the Mexican government seems not to matter to the political class.
However, in the State of Mexico, where the rejection of gender aware of the nearly thousand murders committed against women in just five years, has caused all sorts of indignities by the responsible domestic politics Francisco Blake Mora "El Feo" and for legislators and leaders of the PRD and PAN.
As is common among many politicians stirred the gym with magnesia. In Chihuahua, three decades of disgrace, dishonor and shame governments of alternation and there have been expressions of outrage from the secretaries of the Interior (PRI-PAN) or of the PRD is now considered unfortunate and shameful shield made by PRI governments to prevent femicide in Edomex investigate.
But it is not seeing the mote in your neighbor's eye. This is the right of women to live without violence. This is not to "ball" to go against of a government, as they do now the PAN-PRD against the PRI government of Enrique Peña Nieto. Politicians forget that their duty is to govern and maintain the rule of law, that is, to comply with and enforce laws and guarantee the fundamental right to life ".
is imperative not to allow officials, legislators or governors-all-men use women for their political ends, much less using the femicide, the pain of the families of the victims, as a premise political campaigns.
no denying the amount of mistakes in government Mexico State, which seeks to justify violence against women saying they are the ones who take risks, which are compromised by personal relationships, by their social status, poverty in which they live ... It is certainly right when Calderón says with a broad smile on his face that money does not buy happiness and less when it is little.
The supine ignorance arises in that entity. -922 Do these women murdered between 2005 and 2010 - were not violated since the government does not guarantee their rights to education, health, work, security? Do them, compelled by the circumstances of marginalization, permanent neglect and abuse, had no other choice?
Do they know that the higher education of women, provides less violence, more income, better living conditions for themselves, their families and the community? No, of course not know or Edomex or Chihuahua. For both entities is better "skilled labor" of women in the production of factories and sweatshops, and Mr. Calderón will say that employment grew in Mexico, although the pay is miserable and women, women victims of femicide, are now victims of political verbiage when it is said that they are those that are at risk.
"became romantically involved with couples who know little, are involved with multiple partners at once part of youth gangs, are part of criminal groups or maintain relationships with members of the same" . Just need to say that girls, being girls, seducing the pedophiles and, therefore, are the sole responsibility and not its perpetrators.
In Oaxaca, revisiting the complaint of columnist Felipe Sánchez-government alternation, the derechaizquierda , appointed three top-level officials in his cabinet paths that have complaints of violence against their partners or former partners: Hermann Tenorio, Secretary of Health, Rufino Dominguez, at the Institute of Support to Migrants, and Rogelio Rodriguez at the State Institute of Adult Education.
Gabino Cue "The Good" did not heed the request of the members of the Collective Huaxyacac, who called and warned officials they would not allow this kind of background. Well! Very good! But, no, history repeats itself after six-year presidential term and thus the rulers in turn (the political party they are) confirm that the last thing they care about is the lives of women. The problem Cue is that promised to change, but it was like the others.
All this happens in the country from north to south, under the gaze and the silence of the institutions created for women and worse still, as suggested by Felipe Sanchez, that organizations fighting for the rights of women are silent as if they had come at the price, as the author of Political Showcase column.
impeachment A Mexican must carry several governors and former governors and we will ignore when women move from the "spoils of war" to "electoral spoils, but nothing substantive.
+ No blood. No + femicide. No + violence against women.
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