For Rocio Duque
" Silence, as the protest is the drug of our times, the way we do something for nothing. .. " Charles Bowden ( Murder city. Ciudad Juarez and the global economy's new killing fields)
was the spring of 1993 when the bodies began to appear.
Then they were piling up .. many? Nobody knows for sure, although about 745 women were killed in circumstances individuals (kidnapping, rape and torture) only in Ciudad Juárez between 1993 and 2009, according to figures more or less official. Only in 2010, 304 women were murdered in Juarez, more than in any other year.
were Esther Chavez and Irma Campos (both recently deceased) the fellow who started the horror, many years ago when nobody cared, when the "good people" said "it will searched ... "when not everyone had fear and anger .. Then things got worse and people would say" ... that kill each other. " Now ...
The figures suddenly begin to lose meaning. 30 000-odd deaths in the "war on drugs"? And finally is not just the how, but how and why ... A woman is murdered in broad daylight in front of the Government Palace in Chihuahua, execution, filmed. A woman who demanded justice for the murder of his daughter ... another, also denounced simply disappears and his maimed body is found days later ...
When someone asks me why in this way to kill women in Mexico, my answer is simple: because they can.
And she kept going ... so far ...: in 2010, 304 women in Juarez were killed, more than any other year said Victor Quintana Another year of senseless war and femicide and adds: " Never in the history of the state of Chihuahua and the country had so many murders occurred and the fourth year of the war against crime Calderon. But what causes the public outrage is the ineffectiveness of the war and the political economy of the same, ie to whom, or who take advantage of tens of thousands dead in Mexico with the physical, mental and social bring. "
Of course the thing did not start or yesterday, or with Marisela and Susana. This is Deja Vu:
" ...03/05/93, unidentified, 30 to 35 years. Brown, dark hair, way Ortiz Rubio, 3 meters from a ditch near Satellite, shorts, panties, barefoot, 5 months pregnant, died a day earlier by strangulation, blows to the face and abdomen ... 15 / 12/93..Yolanda Tapia ... stab wound in the skull, tree in the vagina, said he killed his 94 hijo...11/03 María del Rocío Cordero, 11, drain tube ü and the road near Casa Grande and Barranco Azul, was kidnapped before reaching elementary school in the Gabino Barreda Colonia Mexico 68, where he lived, strangled, raped anally and vaginal...10/01/95 unidentified bones, Ejido El Sauzal ... 6/12/1996 Brenda Mejia Flores ... 15, disappeared on November 26, 1996. stabbed, shot, perhaps violada...21/1297, unidentified, between 12 and 16 years old, Lomas de Poleo, ... months 02.23.1998 Elizabeth dead, charred, behind the roads of Ponciano Arriaga rail and road axis Lizalde Juan Gabriel...03/08/98 Paulina Gomez, 15 years, seven months pregnant and bare, sprayed with gasoline and Alicia Carrera quemada...19/03/02 Lagunes, 75 years and Carolina Carrera, 34 (Down syndrome), address Alatorre 1876, Colonia Obrera, both were beaten, burned, gagged, bound hand and foot, their heads covered with plastic bags, we tried to burn them ... "
These are just some of the police report cited by Sergio González Rodríguez in his book Bones in the Desert ... horror extends to this day, although autordades want to minimize, as always.
The fr t or forensic language reminiscent of negligence, rather the collusion of the authorities. One of the first bodies to park was that of Gladys Janeth Fierro. He was 12 years, leaving school, she was abducted, raped, strangled. In May 1994, Gladys's body was found in Lote Bravo, south of the airport of Ciudad Juárez. . Here, some points of the preliminary investigation appropriated by the National Human Rights Commission (available in full: http://www.cndh.org.mx/lacndh/informes/espec/dmujch/cedulas/73-F . htm):
"IRON VARGAS, Gladys JANETH, 8520/94 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION: On May 8, 1994 in Juárez-Porvenir Highway, at the height of the radio station and just 600 meters from such road, on land used for planting, was found the corpse of a woman, which was originally recorded as "Unknown 35/94" and subsequently T5-73-F and T1-73-F, was identified as Gladys Janeth Vargas Fierro, who said it was high school student. Case No. ...[...] May 6, 1912. Gladys Jannette Fierro. 12. 08520/94-503 Exp. Kidnapped after leaving secondary school in the Constitution and Urueta Jesus Galeana. He lived in Lomas de San José. Raped and strangled. His body was located at Km 1, Carretera Juárez Porvenir, behind the radio station. ... On the other hand, it was noted that as of October 22, 2002 was no longer any further action in the investigation , a situation that allows, that the officer, who was nevertheless obliged to act ex officio to investigate the murder of the minor Gladys Janeth Vargas Fierro, infringed the principle of due diligence under that did not adjust their actions in strict accordance with the provisions of Articles 21 of the Constitution of the United Mexican States, 110, 120, 121, 122 and 138 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in force for the state Chihuahua and 2, paragraph A, of the Organic Law of Public Prosecutions in the same federal entity ... Evidence and previous arguments distort the information he provided to the National Commission, the Special Prosecutor for the Investigation of Murders of Women in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua ... This leads to the conclusion that public servants who accounted fulfill its terms those legal provisions, to derogate from the principle of legality, left to safeguard fairness and efficiency with the performance of their duties, irregularities that result in undue exercise of their performance, capacity and commitment; what caused that more than nine years in the commission of the murder of the victim, it has not been clarified. [emphasis mine] "
crazy theories have run haphazardly over the years (what better way to muddy the waters?): satanic rituals, organ trafficking, videos snuff, serial murderers ... but what was that no one could ignore the murders of women were undeniably linked to drug trafficking, corruption and impunity and absolute most atrocious. The quasi-birth machismo of Mexican culture (whose greatest icons are charros and blank), of course, put his part. I already knew.
And then there's what we learned ...
1 - The apparatus of "justice" and the executive and legislature are corrupt to the bone: 98 percent of reported crimes never are clarified and the remaining 2% everyone wonders if the suspects are not goats expiatory.
2 - criminal economy (narcotics, human trafficking, money laundering, weapons, etc) is a fundamental part of the national economy (and not a parallel) Each year, the drug wins Mexico twice of what remittance income. enter Mexico each year, from the United States between $ 19 000 and $ 29 billion dollars, (Gross Domestic Product of the country is estimated at 13 trillion 94 billion pesos), proceeds of crime, especially drug trafficking, according to some sources, while other consider that up to 10% of the national economy depends on them .
Moreover, not only Mexico, it is speculated that 320 billion dollars from the international industry of illegal drugs (legal ones are another little business, from Big Pharma) are integrated into world trade and mean 1% of total trade world. Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN office United to Drugs and Crime, said that there is evidence that the proceeds of organized crime was "the only liquid investment capital" available to some banks to collapse the year before. He said most of the 35 billion dollars in profits from the sale of drugs was absorbed by the economic system as a result of this ( Drug global money saved in banks crisis, claims UN advisor -) . And who washes the drug money? The same banks that had to be rescued from bankruptcy, as Wachovia, Bank of California, American Express Bank International, Atlantic Bank , among others. While e
l economic cost of insecurity in Mexico is estimated by various sources, between 7.4% and 15% of GDP, which is equivalent more double what the country spends on education in a year.
3 - The war on drugs: that is by drugs and that America has never fought in its territory, but of other countries .. U.S. agencies such as DEA, CIA, etc. have long been involved in its history in drug trafficking, a classic example: Iran-Contra (check please Dark Alliance and that book fundamental The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade .) and not exactly in the fight against them. Afghanistan currently supplies 93% of the world's opium (heroin base) and almost all of hashish. Production rose to record levels after the occupation. Colombia: 7 U.S. military bases on its territory, much fanfare by the success of Plan Colombia ... have heard in the news walk cocaine low or that the price has gone up to heaven? No, there is none.
do you do to fight this war on drugs in which the only ones who are hurt are the drugs themselves? These remain as campers wandering from one country to another ... The others are called collateral damage ...
4 - weapons - United States tearing their hair out by the violence in Mexico, but supplies arms to drug, weapons that are legal in your area (and if not, ask the victims of last slaughter, in Arizona). 90% of the weapons have been used to kill women and Marisela are sold in border towns (mainly in Texas) with almost no control. On this point, see the Washington Post investigation , that nobody can cross off a liberal: A year-long investigation by The Washington Post
Initiative M é rida - Meanwhile, States joined together with the Mexican government, implement the Merida Initiative or Plan Mexico, where the only winners are the same contractors and arms manufacturers that sell to the narcos. That's what I call it a windfall.
And now, we are once again in mourning and filled with indgnación. Of course! There are many statements marches demanding justice. And that is important and necessary, but the sit-ins, marches, campaigns and statements remain purely cathartic when not integrated into a plan of peaceful civil resistance against organized crime (the inside and outside of the neck gobierno.La white and bloodied arms.) The one, I think, should include at least as well as the denunciation of corrupt officials as has been done and the good work already being done in forums:
Merida Initiative ( which includes not only Mexico but also to the Dominican Republic, Central America and Haiti) - Require that become known to the public. What it is, who the "players", what are the expectations, etc. But above all: contractors who are earning with this? Who are those to which it is appropriate that this "war" will never end. Request this information, analyze it and from it develop peaceful popular resistance strategies would be one of the possible lines.
Money Laundering - Campaigns against banks and institutions and establishments washing drug money (yes, that requires research and invention of forms of nonviolent social protest.)
Arms trafficking - along with organizations against them, in the United States to an intense campaign against arms producers and distributors serving the drug trade (the article quoted above is just a basic guide who are), especially in border cities and of course an international campaign on the double standards of U.S. government and Congress in this line. After the recent slaughter of Arizona, perhaps the appropriate time ..
Of course, this is merely circumstantial, none of this will alter the fundamental causes of this terror: poverty and inequality Product a corrupt and brutal system that can only survive on the bodies of those who resist and denounce, and nothing offers young.
But you have to defend ... and defend those who defend us.
And perhaps the discussion and the ideological debate over What to do? would have to be in a more purposeful, beyond the understandable emotional spontaneity, beyond the statement full of adjectives and imperatives, beyond marches that have become our version of pilgrimages to the town of Guadalupe. A strategy to win, not to mourn ...
I do not know, maybe we would have to think, as a feminist movement, how really honor the phrase NO MORE!
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