CHILE: Poor.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Zaswiaty W Mitologi Mezopotamii

No one can blame for the occurrence of the first. However, all of Chile knows that the origin of second is none other than the brutal drop of power in our society that has persisted since the coup, among the overwhelming majority of abused citizens, whose hands and brains of the country's wealth emerges and the tiny minority who seizes most part of its fruits. This has been compounded by adding the direction of government to the endless strings of power, heavy and subtle, that manipulates its unique rigging.
has proved rather grotesque, the spectacle of whom have tried to make a petty political advantage of the recent publication of CASEN that measured the previous figures. It went from lively, the way they rushed to take advantage the opportunity to finally thought they had at hand, to discredit the former President, who rightly see as his most dangerous opponent in four years. The President immediately grabbed guaripola, as seems to be the irresistible tendency in all matters, before taking a tumble when he realized the muddy.
Unfortunately, other more laudable purposes also believed to see a bald opportunity to adjust some scores.
The good news is that this scandal has brought to the fore one of the few subjects on which all agree Chile: poverty reduction. Here are four widely accepted measures to improve the overall situation of the population in an immediate and sustained:
1. Establish once and for all a decent unemployment benefits: The number of poor increased in 2009 because the unemployment reached nearly 10 percent and unemployment is totally ineffective. According to a report by the National Statistics Institute, INE, published these days, Chilean families derive 70.72 percent of their income from employment and other property income, rent and transfers. Thus, the unemployed lose their main source of income and their families with massive fall under the poverty line, regardless of how this is determined. Civilized countries and the UN recognize the right of workers to maintain their income if they lose their jobs. Therefore, to achieve a certain level of development, all countries have established a subsidy to ensure that people who lose their jobs an income similar to that normally perceive, more or less universal and in a timely manner. This type of subsidy acts as a regulator automatic countercyclical, as public spending increases substantially when there are recessions and decreases when the economy is reactivated. The current unemployment insurance serves as the AFP and is so ineffective in securing income to the unemployed as those to provide good pensions, since both assume that just bet forced savings dwindling to the magic of financial markets to do that, which is a fallacy. And the recent reform showed that the state should subsidize the pensions to the poorest 60 percent of the population. The same applies to unemployment insurance. The supposed minimum pension guarantee was useless since it did not meet the required 20 years of contributions required to obtain it. Similarly, the solidarity fund unemployment insurance is worthless, because two thirds of the workforce can not meet the requirement of having contributed on average at least one of every two months over the last two years. For this reason, State full crisis contributed to the fund a dollar a month for each loss. We must eliminate the pre-condition and the state must contribute to the fund automatically taken to ensure all employees the continuity of their income during their periods of unemployment. PS: stop blackmailing the elimination of compensation for years of service as a condition for improving unemployment insurance.
2. Raise and extend the solidarity pension: With the unemployment benefits, there is no more effective means of sustaining a stable income class families, who give their old decent pension they deserve more than enough. This has been understood government and has proposed to advance the schedule of amounts and coverage from the reform. However, progress can be made much more. A study of CENDA for the INP showed that keeping the expenditure that the State had maintained in the last quarter century, as a proportion of GDP, it was possible to finance a pension of $ 100,000 per month to 85 percent of older adults. The reform, however, approved $ 75,000 for 60 percent of those over 65 years as a goal to achieve Valentine Soft. Said and done. Bachelet's government stalled the amount of public spending on pensions, rather than increase significantly as in all other expenditure items social. In 2007 in fact fell by 0.1 percent and 2008 it increased by 1 percent, while total social spending grew by 8.2 and 9.2 percent respectively. PS: recognize the right of women to receive their pension at 60 years of solidarity. The reform of unconstitutionally discriminated because they perceive men to fulfill their legal age of retirement, while they must wait five years to achieve.
3. Better measure of poverty: In fact, the number of poor is far higher and even higher increase than the CASEN said. The incident revealed the fragility of the measuring instrument and can be a good chance of improvement. Poverty is determined from a line calculated based on a basket of goods cost. However, as has been denouncing for years, the Foundation for Overcoming Poverty and especially one of its former directors, the current Minister of Finance, the food has a weight far beyond what today represents, as it based on the consumption pattern 1987. Ironically, this time played the distortion in favor of revealing the true number of poor people a little less bad than before, since coyunturalmente food prices rose by 50 percent more than the CPI in the year of measurement.
really reduce poverty is a national issue of first order, since the prolonged abuse suffered by the people, which extends from the Pinochet coup, is the original sin of capitalist emergence Chile and is the main obstacle to its continued development. The above measures help, but certainly not enough.
The most effective is to change the constitution, finally leveling the uneven balance of power that prevails in the highly segregated and still very little democratic Chilean society.
By Manuel Riesco - Economist. Ex economic program coordinator Jorge Arrate.
Source: The Counter.
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