CHILE: Chile's social issue.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Should I Got To Work With Chest Infection

As happened at the gates of the first centenary, the accumulation of stress from the inequality gap does emerge, albeit still incipient, social conditions for a reaction insidious and destabilizing social peace.
The Atacama is a point in a chain of events that have occurred in other areas throughout the last decade. Housing insecurity and marginality in urban centers, devaluation of education as a mechanism of social balance and mobility; mercy of companies in basic public services, labor market instability, growing urban youth violence, neglect of elderly . While the country experienced a sustained manner, the longer and stronger economic growth in its history.
Many effects of these problems have been mitigated delayed or even contents, policies. But essentially, as the privileged center of attention macroeconomic balance and growth, inequality waste have been corroding in a latent entire social fabric. As
national history books describe as the social question occurred between 1890 and 1910, now seems republished in Chile of the Bicentennial. A brutal clash between economic growth that generates great wealth, and allow the State to develop a vast network of public works and a country with a sustainable modern appearance, while a significant proportion of the population does not receive the benefits of economic progress and back to serious levels of insecurity and social vulnerability. Without the rule adequately fulfill its role as guarantor of social equity and the common good.
economist Patricio Meller, in a lucid, and little read, article published in the journal Perspectives of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Chile (October 1999) states that the issue has been present in Chile since debate nineteenth century. He quotes a few paragraphs in the introduction of Letelier, perfectly today: "what they need to exploit the great kids, strong to weak, employers to workers, landowners to tenants, the rich the poor? Only one thing: freedom, that is the assurance that the State will not intervene in the struggle for existence to alter the final result for the underdog. That is what the free market system gives the most powerful "" And how to help the disadvantaged to improve their situation? Protection requires the state to enable equal opportunities in a world of unequal, "there is no greater inequality than the same law applied to those who are in fact unequal." "Politics is the art of establishing a free market system, is the art of social needs"
Letelier's trial, 1896, avowedly secular and progressive challenges to the ruling elite of the time.
There was also a call from the conservative and religious world. The Catholic Church in the encyclical Rerum Novarum (Of the new things) in 1891, refers first to the conditions and problems of the working classes. That position would still warm then evolving into a social doctrine of the Catholic Church.
Today we have discussed different approaches and debates on ethical wage, social protection, income, family ethics, motivated by strong social movements that demonstrate, at least apparently, that the elites would sensitized to generate a brake on the deterioration. But in practice not go far enough.
is clear that the current situation is not just a product of the economic ambitions of unscrupulous businessmen or overwhelmed capitalism. Nor the existence of a precarious state, unable to create conditions of balance and control the excesses of law, is the fault of the military dictatorship of the 70 and 80 of the last century.
Although they are strong data stage, nothing will excuse the absence of the Coalition for twenty years, to introduce quality control and legal policies, dependent only administrative powers. Especially in regard to housing and neighborhoods, labor markets, or the regulatory control of basic services.
When during the government of Ricardo Lagos business pressure was generated by what was called excessive control of the Directorate of Labour, then led by the Socialist MarĂa Ester Feres, was a minister of his own party, Ricardo Solari, who had an ambiguous attitude on the issue and agreed to its removal.
control excesses were actions designed precisely to handle situations like that now regret at the mine in Atacama. Worryingly
to symptoms that are perceived emergence of a social issue again in the country, political elite has shown little circumspect and unable to assume shared responsibility for the incident and is directed, in a blinded fashion, to a policy by the enemy syndrome
would be unfortunate also that, as a corollary of the Bicentennial, the paradigm of private public partnership basis worn with pride as the country's economic growth, ended in a sign that the market is not only cruel, as one president of the Coalition, but if profit is accompanied by an uncontrolled society apart ends .
Source: The Counter
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