In Venezuela posted "19 000 133 murders" in 2009, placing the murder rate in the country "75 per 100 thousand inhabitants," according to a study by the National Statistics Institute (INE) released today by the local press.
The Caracas newspaper El Nacional published a synopsis of the report "National Crime Victimization Survey and Collection of Public Safety 2009", conducted between August and November of that year by the INE on request of the Executive Vice President, who received last May, according the newspaper.
El Nacional published a report a day after a court in Caracas modified "partly" a precautionary measure, issued on Tuesday, prohibiting him from publishing "photos, information and publicity" about violence.
INE study, of 279 pages, indicates that the homicide rate in Venezuela is 75 per 100 thousand inhabitants.
The paper compares this data with that of Colombia, where he said, there is a conflict, and they recorded 32 murders per 100 000 inhabitants, and Mexico, with eight per 100 000 inhabitants.
According to the study attributed the INE, the total homicides in 2009, 79.48% (15 191) were committed with firearms, while the remaining 20.52 with any other weapons.
The 81.13% of those killed were men and 18.87 women, according to the official survey, which also discriminates against victims by age and states that 44.12% were between 25 and 44.
, 36. 61 percent of those killed were between 15 and 24 years, 14.17% from 45 to 64 years 2.82% over 65 years and 1.74 percent between 0 and 14 years of age, the study said.
The document adds that most of the victims belonged to the poorest sectors society: 56.52% (10 thousand 802) to socioeconomic IV and 27.12% (5 thousand 182) to V.
A 2 000 376 victims (12.43%) belonged to layer III, 365 (1.19%) to level II and 387 killed (2.02%) to socioeconomic level I, according to the study published by the Caracas newspaper, attributed to the INE.
publication, first on Friday and then on Monday last, a photo of corpses piled in the morgue of Caracas newspaper El Nacional and Tal Cual, respectively, resulted in a court in the capital on Tuesday to ban them both Play "photos, information and publicity" about violence.
12 The Court Mediation and Conduct, also urged the rest of the country's print media to "abstain" to post pictures and information on violence, changed some of that opinion yesterday, which is now limited only to prohibit the dissemination of photos of death and blood.
"The injunction (prohibiting publication of information and images of violence) against Tal remains just that, and will run until it is determined on its merits" of the lawsuit filed by the Ombudsman's Office, said last night his legal representative, Larry Davo .
For its part, the editor of El Nacional, Miguel Henrique Otero, said last night that "the court declined, in part, by its decision" because "Stayed for the entire country," the ban on publishing pictures of violence, which he said is "censorship."
The Ombudsman sued in court to El Nacional and Tal Cual for publishing a front-page photo of corpses in the morgue in Caracas, saying that the image "aggression against the rights" of minors "and in particular against its progressive development and comprehensive. "
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said yesterday that the publication of the controversial photo would be part of "conspiracy" against his government opposition groups developed as part of their campaign ahead of parliamentary elections next September.
Source: El Universal.
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