Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can You Wax Your Testicles

Consultant ComScore: Venezuela is the Spanish-speaking country in the world twitterer. UNESCO

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez successfully joined Twitter and apparently the president had a good reason: his country is the third most twitterer the world, according to statistics released by the consulting firm ComScore.
So, Venezuela is located in the first position of Twitter in English, but lags behind Indonesia and Brazil in world rankings.

The statistic refers to the month of June 2010, when there were nearly 93 million unique visits to the Twitter website (excluding the users who used third party applications via web and through mobile access.) Latin America was

the region had the largest audience growth, up 305% to 15.4 million users a year. Asia was the second, an increase of 243% to 25.1 million users.

According to Comscore, the list of countries is as follows:

1. Indonesia
2. Brazil
3. Venezuela
4. Netherlands
5. Japan
6. Philippines
7. Canada
8. Mexico
9. Singapore
10. Chile
11. U.S.
12. Turkey
13. United Kingdom
14. Argentina
15. Colombia
16. South Korea
17. Ireland
18. India
19. Malaysia
20. New Zealand
(Source: Cubadebate / Fayerwayer) - Cuba Journalists.


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