Yuri J. University Professor Franco Ferrer
the other side of the line, Martine observes the life of her childhood friend, hidden in all that paraphernalia intended for display to all an image of "bourgeois happy", instead of hide, helps to show the hell of madness that consumes, whose fire is fueled by the determination of Nicole, who is also sealing his conviction by entering into a marriage that means renouncing their projects to their careers, reducing it to a grim life of a merchant next to no prospects other than making money. The choice of Alice's lost in time and Martine, less talented, but triumphant, is a living reflection of what she would have satisfied to have chosen the path that led to itself and not the watered down inexorably toward death . The largest of the tragedies of Alice, knowing who has lost everything, is to know the living image of what will be his daughter in a few years because, as she leaned the wrong choice, she chose to resign rather than take the course of their existence.
waiver of the right lifestyle choice also finishes killing Renata, daughter of Teresa inflexible Haddad, who forced the girl to move away from "Man of gardenias, marrying with being mean and heartless that drags ruin lives. A narrator-witness, the sister of Renata, reconstructs the sordid history of women as weak and helpless as a bird that dares not offend the provisions of its mother, even knowing that he risked his life, proving that "neither had the courage to fulfill their desires." Renata helplessness leads to death or the persistence of love, or the intervention of his sister, can be avoided. Maybe that's why we succumb from the beginning of the story, the clinical miserable capital city where her husband was sentenced to die.
Mario and Marina, the twins to look face to face to feel like "The Mirror" are the protagonists of the narrative whose composition is within the letter the aunt of both written to assume the defense lawyer Mario, accused of killing his wife Cecilia. In the letter the aunt, witness and narrator reveals Details of the tortured relationship of twins who love since childhood with a feeling as strong as remorse and guilt triggered by incest.
The loss of a son and incestuous marriage of Mario and Cecilia, the daughter of a wealthy merchant of the city, Marina generated tremendous hatred towards her sister and rival assassin who freed from the burden of resentment and jealousy showing his brother with it, and horrendous act all crazy, how great was the love he felt for him that, corresponding to this crazy and passionate evidence, blames the death of his wife by failing to notify the police when is bleeding because of the fifteen stab wounds received at the hands of Navy.
Honoria, the maid, as Fidelia in "Oriane, Aunt Oriane" is a bridge between the events and the narrator who, because she knows many of the details before and after the crime. The murder comes in the story as a liberating because it removes the life of the brothers, the presence of a third party who altered the course of a love doomed from birth, a love unthinkable, impossible, but existing as the Oriana and Sergio, also bound by blood, passion and tragedy through a relationship marked by subtlety and subtext of a mystery, replaced in "The Mirror", for clarity that becomes raw and even violent, when we see after the murder, how Mario and Marina are discovered by the old servant, sleeping "like the angel of peace, the cover with their wings, the other one lying in the living room where hours before the events occurred. Nor
Matilda Country
may waive the memory of one love of his life. The cult of the feeling that binds Ribeira Gregory, who died in a freak accident "the day of the census," obsessively devoted his entire life. Mourning a young brand and runs until maturity, when it reappears Eliana (raw-witness narrator of this story) who tries to free her from the pain caused by this love is a lie enormous, because the same day of his death, Gregory was going to break her engagement with Matilde to woo her. Believing that making Matilde know the heartbreak of her boyfriend, it achieved a shift towards life, Eliana confesses the truth, a truth that when viewed in its cruel dimension, flat leaves of eternal life leading her to girlfriend death. Eliana, pragmatic and way happy, do not understand from their perspective as Matilda may have spent his life devoted to suffering, for it to Gregory Ribeira low pedestal that his girlfriend took him up, not realizing that by doing so, he was snatching the only reason she had to live. Instead
Ana Maria Alvarado, living shadow of death, it is impossible to rid the world of the areas that were grave in its existence. So back to them, from the beyond, trying to free Adriana, her granddaughter, the destination brand and tying condemns love for a mediocre, "a spoiled child, a gentleman sterile" conditions their love and your company to the resignation of the girl to their life projects and work, as Dr. Cristina Peredes did while starting the dance and Europe to bring to a tropical grave yard and galleries, where her beauty and grace went out, as Australia did well with Nicole, the daughter of the frustrated Alice, in "The Violin."
"Shadow" is all-pervasive: night, river, sea, swamp, Adriana's dream, the spirit of the old Dionisia-maid, confidante and guardian of their most intimate secrets, "the torpor of a sleeping city (Barranquilla) than to be discovered in his identity, takes the ghost to reveal, to confirm his own:
(...) And again moving toward shaking the water spout in the distance while the silhouette outlines of a city. My pain is reborn. Why the sadness comes over me like that? I would not plan on this market of sordid aspect, or admire the roofs of those dirty buildings, but I flew against my wish, and lo and climb, and suddenly find myself in awe at the Plaza de San Nicolás. Now I know who I am: I was Ana Maria Alvarado, wife of Fernando Casola, I was the mother of Cristina, how much I cried. Nothing and no one could console me for her, dragged her loss and grief to the end of my days (...)
Casola Ana Maria Alvarado can not revive Cristina Pereda Casola, for she could do nothing except see it disappear between tedious and petty mists of a marriage with which "the world thought he had caught at the right moment to lose," but in the case of Adriana Peredes Casola, her granddaughter, love becomes a force that drags by pulling the deep hole of the night that is death to let go into sleep and the thought of the girl for what will be his life within two decades, and Adriana is dreaming,
At the end of a path that all stones are equal, a woman and a little sad anesthesia that celebrates motherhood and bored in silence, has lost his illusions and barely recognized identity. Do not read or think, or have grounds to argue with the man of the blond hair
(...) And this premonition that causes the grandmother-mother, becomes known that Anne wanted, because the clarity looks the mind of his granddaughter startled waking from sleep, recognizes the impossibility of their future union with the dull boyfriend who wishes to become a husband. His mission accomplished, "Shadow" gets back to nature. Other shadows protect you, take refuge in them with just a vague feeling of being someone who suffered. Adriana
If the possibility arises of death itself, so Esteban Henríquez everything is impossible, except to sell his paintings, the art of lying, of appearances that the caprice of a few became fashionable in the field of modern painting of a large European city. Luxury and the people around him filled with an infinite boredom, distracted for a short period by an animal, "The Dog", which from the window of a moves in veterinary store with an afternoon romps. The animal's vision leads him to remember his childhood rage dark and uncertain, governed by an unfeeling mother, and also leads to its recent past in which Isabel worked as a maid so that he could paint in the little room that, as a couple they shared in Paris. Isabel
not fared much better than "The dog" which ends up being ejected from the apartment of the painter for having prevented the sale of one of his paintings. She also was cast into the street because, for the already famous and wealthy artist, was unheard of living with a woman who:
(...) know the art of seduction the charms of artifice. With his habit of plaiting the hair looked awfully American. At present he was uncomfortable with his new friends while attending their presentations.
In this, it is the only tales of the match featuring a man, a blurred figure of Isabel, generates a kind of denial about the cruelty of Henriquez, a figurehead whose fortune is, in principle, to sacrifice and the humiliations suffered by the woman who bet everything on his case moved by her love, receiving a ticket back to Colombia, a few dollars and a couple of tables with what was intended to offset the unjustifiable proceeding who the repudiated after use. Ana also
Victoria, "The Pilgrim", is forced to confront the impossibility of being accepted by almost everyone else in the proper dimension of sensuality that makes her hard to love, no brakes, many men at once, transgress all, challenging his status and the Catholic puritanism of his family, especially that of his mother, who looks like a monster lewd, vile, who constantly nags and criticizes his actions and submits to the humiliation of the confessional and medical treatment. For others, less for his late uncle Luis and Juan Miguel, the man was elected by husband ill. And as they had explored all possible cures, including witchcraft, medicine and the good offices of her confessor, was only the use of miracle it could be in Irino, a village near Seville where he was told, was a saint specialized newfound cure nymphomaniac.
Ana Victoria agrees to go to the pilgrimage to ask the saint Irino-acting only once a year during the procession, a cure that does not really want because they feel that by taking the full dimension of their sexuality, has lived in peace itself. But the pressures of his mother are so great and the moral flag flying hits so strong that it prefers to give up the enjoyment rather than suffer the torture of eternal mantra mother and blame for it built in the depths of his being.
In Irino, despite their intentions and hopes for the miraculous healing mother, Ana Victoria finds that the only true miracle is assumed as it is, as he had done so far. This conclusion comes from the arms of Paul, a man with inclinations similar to yours, who is staying with his room at the only inn in town. There is love for three days until they're exhausted and when they realize the passage of time, the procession has passed and the possibility of unwanted cure is postponed for next year. Are promised twelve months then meet again during the pilgrimage Irino, but no relief for its alleged bad, but to run again the miracle of love, using all his forces uncontrollable bodies and well endowed that by miracle, the saint of Irino not cure.
The story that closes the meeting involves the reader in the magic of the Mine, and Curbata Tuy, Mandinga drums that resound in Barlovento announcing the long awaited return of Elizabeth, who is not know until then, share in a pact love sealed two centuries earlier by his ancestor, Juana Maria Arimendi, La Marquesa and their offspring, females of hard race, have respected and perpetuated.
The mysterious disappearance of the girl's body Josefa, grandmother of Elizabeth, who upon learning that lead asks dying from Caracas to "Las Camelias," his ranch located in the Cariaco region along the river San Juan, determines the return Isabel to the mysterious forests within which it has been made for a date with love and with that part of herself that unknown and begins to suspect from moisture and heat in the region to possess his being.
Isabel comes to the rescue of a body that "does not know, lying in the bed of the river, next to the Mandinga who loved him in life, but instead of the corpse of the old, discovers chances alive, but still asleep in his own being that (in the arms of the black drag it to the hammock to let him know he had caught and the evil of love), begins new rituals and delicious so far had been denied and thereafter, will continue throughout their lives, making love again many times in this jungle full of noises and mysteries that, in due time, will also become the site for her final return. Isabel
can not free of predestination, magic trapped in secular pact that females of his race have been renewed from generation to generation with the Maroons "Windward," but this destination is not prison or fatality, but freedom, fullness that leads to his true self and reveals the reason for their existence.
In the accounts of the encounter the magic mixes with reality in its most raw. Only the supernatural, magic can liberate women who have the ability to save (Adriana, Adelaide, Ana Victoria and Elizabeth) of destinations that the condemned, the others succumb without the strength to cope with an adverse environment in which the capacity to decide have been denied.
Marvel Moreno was fifty-six years old when he died, more than half of which was devoted to literature, with a rigor and a passion that to isolate the external world, from Colombia and his native city, was tied to them through stories told and testify today, forever, his presence among us.
two unpublished books: The time of the Amazons (novel), and a volume of eight stories, which the French publisher Côté des Femmes awarded posthumous recognition mode, Gabriela Mistral Prize during the International Book Fair in Bogota 1996, expect to see the light after the disappearance of the author ... His ashes reached the immensity of the sea after crossing the Seine river, whose waters were scattered, at his request, on June 15, 1995, after cremation your body at the legendary Parisian cemetery of Père Lachaise.
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