CUBA: Cuba releases dissident a blogger.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
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all started in April when the blogger and independent journalist in Cuba, Virgin Dania García, was sentenced to prison for "abuse of authority" after an argument with her daughter 23 years . Now, the court changed his mind and decided to release her, under penalty of U.S. $ 13.
The case was very controversial because groups like the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) called him a "political ploy" by the government.
Dania García, 41, who writes for U.S. sites of the Cuban opposition and supporter of the Damas de Blanco (mothers and wives of jailed dissidents), said that the prosecution changed "precautionary measure" against him and acknowledged it was "unfair have come to prison."
spent fifteen days in the high security prison in Havana Black Mantle, after being arrested last April 21 and ordered two days later. Avoid
bad international press
Garcia said that the prosecution acknowledged that it was "unfair to have come to prison."
The release coincides, as he explained the BBC correspondent in Cuba, Michael Voss, with the government's decision to allow a march of the Ladies in White, after the intervention of the Catholic Church.
As the leader of the Cuban Commission for Human Rights, Elizardo Sánchez, "the fact that Garcia is a militant dissident led us to suspect that the process was a trap to get her out of circulation."
Sanchez added that the release of Garcia and allow the march of the Ladies in White are a "sign" indicating that Cuban leaders are trying to avoid bad press outside their borders.
Cuban authorities, said BBC correspondent in Cuba, "deny that political prisoners, calling them mercenaries paid by the U.S. to undermine the system."
Source: BBC World.
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VENEZUELA: Chavez threatens to "intervene''private banks.

O private banks Venezuela is in the national project are attached and the law, or they will end an operation. I'm not going to permeate the whole life!''Chavez said during a ceremony broadcast by official VTV.
"O give credit to the people or give me the bank. I'll pay you later and I'll see how you'll pay,''he said to the bankers.
Chavez said he received a message through its network management social Twitter in which a person complained that a bank refused a loan to buy a house because it does not win at least 7,000 Bolivars per month ($ 1.627), ie about seven times the minimum wage.
"That's the capitalist banks , this is where I say or private banks in Venezuela there are attached to the national project (Socialist) and the law, or else they will end surgery, I'm not going to sink the whole "If they (the bank Venezuelan private) use the money to lend to agriculture, infrastructure, well, that would be fine. But no, they like the speculative market,''the president continued.
must be forced private banks to give credits,''and if they do "should give us the bank,''said the head of state during an inspection of a construction of environmental sanitation in the Valles del Tuy, about 50 kilometers west of Caracas. Chavez
finalized the purchase last July for $ 1,050 million, the Bank of Venezuela, the country subsidiary of English Grupo Santander, the third largest in the country.
Chávez's government and involved a total of eight banks for small and medium importance between November and December 2009, to "ensure the restoration of the national financial system.''Of these, two were cleared and four nationalized and merged into Bicentennial new state bank.
"Confederate Bank, Central Bank and Royal Bank Universal, more Banfoandes structural basis, these four components will form a new bank that will be called the Bicentennial Bank in honor of the bicentennial independence,''Bush said in announcing the creation of the new bank.
With these latest interventions, the state focuses on its hands more than 25% of the domestic financial sector.
In December 2009, amid the small banks crisis surgery, Chavez again threatened to "intervene all the traditional private banking in the country''if the industry had not committed crimes.
The President said then that government-owned businesses and operated the liquidated banks would be transformed into state enterprises.
Source: El Nuevo Herald.
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CUBA: Writers of the island are critical of Spanish intellectuals.

Alberti, daughter of English poet Rafael Alberti and resident of Cuba for 26 years, read the text of the statement.
A group of poets and intellectuals criticized Cuban English intellectuals to make "the game to the eternal enemies of the island," a statement in response to the platform for the democratization of Cuba presented recently in Madrid.
The document was issued by the organizers of the International Poetry Festival of Havana, which will take place between 24 and May 30 and includes the signature of writers such as Roberto Fernandez Retamar, Miguel Barnet, César López, Pablo Armando Fernandez, Nancy Morejon and Aitana Alberti, among others.
Alberti, daughter of English poet Rafael Alberti and resident of Cuba for 26 years, read the text of the statement at a press conference in Havana, where he also announced that all the poets who participate in the Festival will add its signature.
"Together with known anti-Cuba propaganda spokesmen, honest people, perhaps without the information and knowledge, influenced by the 'fierce and painful' media campaign against Cuba, they accuse us, and in doing so, assume a posture that tries to harm the sovereignty of our country, "the statement said.
Cuban intellectuals also critical that this position" plays into the eternal enemies of the island that have not ceased in the last 200 years of statehood and stroke his colonial dream. "Cuba has built a proper and legitimate democracy, supported by the vast majority of its people," the statement said.
adds that "seek to keep Cuba in the dock" , while "the words democracy, freedom and human rights have been kidnapped." That some people try to attack us, is not Spain that we have loved and admired Forever: The Spain of Juan Ramon Jimenez, Antonio Machado and Felipe León, that of Federico García Lorca, Rafael Alberti and Miguel Hernández, the Maria Teresa León and María Zambrano, that of Pablo Casals and Pablo Picasso ", the text continues .
Source: Latin America Information and Analysis.
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